Monday, January 30, 2006

most potential benefit

Our city may have a lion dance and some firecrackers, but if you check out how Shanghai and the rest of China as it celebrates, there is nothing like it in the world. Fireworks everywhere for hours and hours and hours. It is a sight to behold, and if you can't be there in person. You my friend, are not wild, wild, wild.

As for the few of you who have asked me what are these things I write about. This question is easily answered. All of them are about the devil. Always have been, always will be.

Somewhere between Tron and Mallrats I devised the cunning. I decided that the best thing for this website would be to release various works of the lowest common denominator. The internet is plentiful in this information age as I’ve come to notice, so it’s just a matter of weeding through. I think myself brilliant, to say the least. For you see, some of the things going on today are by far worth sharing.

I have spent the better part of my time putting this together and chopping it up. Thinking it nothing less than earth shattering, I proudly printed out a couple of copies and let some established people read it. This was a bad thing to do. Almost all of them called me within 48 hours and told me that I was crazy to think that people wouldn’t be offended. You see, it was my intention to offend people at first. And then, as things progressed, I came to actually see some artistry in those pieces. They did not share my vision. They thought I was schizophrenic.

So, slowly but surely, their concerns started to get to me. I would read and reread this damn thing, hoping each time that it wasn’t as bad as they made it out to be. But it was. By then I had completely forgotten that my intentions were to offend people. As many people as possible, in fact. But it wasn’t to be. So I rallied. My second plan was nowhere near as cunning as my first. I came up with the idea to let some others review what they had read. This led to further trouble. In the end, of course, I simply shit canned the whole thing and started again from scratch. But I wouldn’t deny you the pleasure of reading some of them. Here is my favourite.

"Hey-ya shithead! Here’s your review. It was very boring. I was glad to read it. Give my love to your mommy! She’s so sweet!"
My critical analysis. ‘Piece Of Shitness’. I am in my opinion an idiot. I have the right to say that because I’ve known myself for so long. Then again, I think that this review is some kind of retaliation for what I've done but yet to realize. If it isn’t, I don’t know what is.

This is my crazy speech about how everyone should go to hell because it’s Hawaii only the sky’s red. Do y’know what I mean? Wake up and smell the coffee, I may be talking about surfing on lava and roasting pigs on spits. If I don’t go anywhere. I just blab. And if I don’t, might as well listen. I’m good at blabbing stuff, then again, I’m not so good at blabbing at all. By the end of it all I sometimes invent all kinds of things like clothing soap that people should use to clean their brains and call it Brain Stains. Do y’know what I mean? Then I’ll start talking about giant fire bunnies and little green alien guys that capture people to bring them to hell to serve the devil. There really are aliens from outer space. They’re just working for the devil and only want to bring you down to hell so you can become some kind of slave. The devil’s bible is really Alice from Wonderland in disguise. So what the hell am I talking about then? There are others, of course. Some of them are nasty, real nasty. Most are without purpose and some rather boring. And that’s just not what you came here to read here, now is it? No.
You came for fire.

But one thing you did not come here for, I tell you, is tits and ass. There aren’t any tits and ass in this website. And strangely enough, y’know, I notice there are no people in this website. Which tends to make one wonder, if there were tits and ass in this website, would there be people in this website? Did you ever consider the fact that you’re entertained by nothing at all? The fact that you sit at home and you are entertained by marketing. Not really bombarded by art, literature, or music itself but rather what has the most potential benefit, be it money or masturbation. It doesn’t have to say anything or do anything in particular. Tits and ass 24/7.The world may very well be kinda like a 7/11 of tits and ass. But sure, you can deny it, albeit you’re the product of this environment.

Saturday, January 28, 2006

turn up the carnage

Sometimes a sudden drop in temperature catches me unprepared and I freeze during my usual lunch hour walk around the downtown city centre. Sometimes I’ll huddle into the library or a restaurant vestibule to warm up. As I throw away the day to discuss matters meaningful to some. These days, what is applicable are the pros and cons of our destruction. As expected, what is note worthy you’ll find on the back burner. That is usually the case when you take things into the perspective with occupants in the haunts and settles of a place called Ottawa.

The Conservatives are the only one of Canada's five major political parties anywhere to the right of the political spectrum in U.S. terms. Of the four other major parties, the Tories can count on support from none. Yet the Liberals can depend on the kindred New Democratic Party, the Bloc Quebecois, and the Greens for occasional support on social and environmental policy.

As many had taken it easy in anticipation last Monday, their plans of promise with hockey, friends, beer and music was all but their only Conventional Wisdom that has so far paid almost no attention to the strategic consequences of Stephen Harper's victory with the Conservative Party. These very same people the ones who brought our government down in the first place to only, in time, complain in folly. Conventional Wisdom as usual is wrong. With this particular victory it is likely to have very rapid significant consequences for the development of hemispheric BMD (ballistic missile defense), with a far greater longer-term strategic potential for Canadian-U.S. relations. Harper has admitted he admires George W. personally and has made clear that in may respects he wants to emulate his political style.

From the American side, Harper's decision has no immediate physical advantages, but its long-term diplomatic and strategic advantages may be profound. The U.S. multi-tier BMD system being developed to defend against nuclear armed ballistic missiles that could be fired by so-called "rogue states" like North Korea or Iran does not need Canadian cooperation or geographical locations to be effective. It involves a radar detection web being fashioned in Alaska, California, on U.S. Navy Aegis-class warships in the Pacific and involving orbiting space-based assets.

Also, with Britain and Australia already playing active, highly important roles in their BMD partnerships with the United States, Harper's decision goes far to making BMD cooperation a defining policy characteristic of the leading Anglosphere nations. This is especially the case since India signed off on far-reaching BMD cooperation with the United States only last year.
Martin flip-flopped on BMD. His doubt on the question as to whether or how he would accord. What Bush did to Martin when he had visited Ottawa this past year was privately lecture him, then publicly sandbag him; on our soil, no less – rough housing with principle and further perverting the words "diplomacy" and "friendship". Gee, and the U.S. news media wondered why there were anti-Bush protests in Ottawa. As Martin has now resigned, in the coming week, Harper will be pronoucned prime minister and will be far more likely to follow suit in destruction without any damaging amendments or quibbles.

In other words, in this advanced industrial so-called ‘democratic’ world there are ballistic missiles waiting to happen. It’s questionable how most could universally vote in support for a characterized victorious and resurgent conservative conformist trend.

The Iraq war was obvious, contrived, and over-marketed; we knew full-well what we were getting involved with. Or did we? For Canadians, the questions are many: But do pros outweigh cons? Keeping in mind that we must view this from an international perspective and not just a parochial one. And, most telling of all, why does the U.S. threaten us instead of convince us? We're expected to accept faith on something which, by all accounts, is a multi-billion-dollar death bringer. So, be it, a Death Star. Iraq was shoved down our throats and we gagged; now we're being fed voodoo defence and expected to swallow -- or choke on the consequences. No Canadian would be foolish enough to think that there aren't linkages, which makes any pressuring in person uncalled-for -- we already have the post-Iraq cloud of reprisal hanging over us. We’re dealing with death here. And by all means, with more momentum.

Friday, January 27, 2006

superficial connections

Tonight there was blood. It’s left there because it’s proud of practising so much. It will make us better. This is the time of night when I used to feel amorous, now I feel as though my body has been run through a machine. Crushed for so long and so very thin. My skull bulges out somewhere off-center for your filling. I’m this dead tired. If I don't write when would I write at all? One could argue and win hands down that nothing is usually better than something. I become over-saturated

We interrelate differently within society circle. Already we can have everything we need delivered to our front door. We can stay positioned at home with our waterfall screen savers and chat with real or fictional beings. No longer do we need to brush our hair or even go outside. I remember when it was dawning the 21st century, lines and lines of people were standing and waiting to access the free online computers - so they could read, send emails, or whatever... We can’t live without it (internet) now. But is this a permanent trend in communicating or just another step in evolution… I know it has greatly improved my typing skills.

After several long and heavy-duty posts in a row (which I'm behind) I thought I'd take a break and post something short. Here's an excerpt from an old Wired interview with Cybrarian, Reva Basch:

WIRED: While living and interacting online warp our cognition and perhaps change the way we interact offline?

MS. BASCH: I notice it in particular when I read for pleasure. I just can't keep my eyes still. I have to remind myself to slow down and say "hey, you're reading for style, not content, stop browsing, start reading". It has an accelerating effect on life. At parties, I'll scan the people: "not interesting, not interesting...". Which is awful-- sort of looking over their shoulders for the next person who will add value. It's a terrible, terrible thing to do. And I'll tell you what else I've discovered-- I am less and less satisfied with superficial social connections. Online, you really get into serious discussions, perhaps because the software focuses you on one particular issue. I find that affects my relationships with offline friends, especially people I haven't seen for a while. There's a lack of depth and context and continuity in a lot of my face-to-face relationships. I think the whole quality of human interaction and language is changing.

I confess I've caught myself scanning during social occasions. What do you think? Is the nature of reading and communication in the Internet age changing the quality of human interaction and language? I need to get up early tomorrow. I’m doing a show. It’s a solo show about how we are misconfigured and unroutable. Before I finish, generally avoid probing this subject with too much depth, both for reasons of domestic tranquility and to avoid unnecessarily locking in to anything that doesn’t really belong. Otherwise, make yourself comfortable.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

conservative minority

In an open letter to Stephen Harper...
We asked, "Can we trust you, sir, to defend the Charter?" We are deeply concerned about recent statements by senior members of the Conservative Party that bring into question your party's commitment to women's reproductive freedom and to the freedoms that Canadians enjoy under the Charter of Rights. We hope that, as party leader, you will shed light on the Conservative position by answering three questions.

1. Would a Conservative government protect a woman's right to choice?

Women have enjoyed the right to abortion for more than 16 years, since the Supreme Court's 1988 Morgentaler decision. But recently Conservative health critic Rob Merrifield called for women to receive counselling by persons other than their physicians before terminating a pregnancy. He said that counselling may be "valuable" for women contemplating abortion because "people who take part in it may only be seeing one side of it." Since third-party counselling already is available to women, we take it he meant that such counselling should be mandatory before an abortion. Why have Conservatives singled out this one medical procedure as beyond the capability of doctors to appropriately counsel their patients? Why is this choice beyond the capability of Canadian women to make?

We had hoped, Mr. Harper, that you would have stated that Mr. Merrifield's views do not represent Conservative Party policy, and fire him as party health critic. Instead, you indicated that a Conservative
government would put a private member's bill on women's reproductive choice to a free vote in the House of Commons -- but that you have "no intention of discussing the topic during an election."

Yet an election is exactly the time when we need to know. You are on the record as being "pro-life" and believing that abortion should only be permitted in "exceptional circumstances." Canadians have a right
to know whether you would vote to turn women who require abortions, and physicians performing them, into criminals.

2. Would a Conservative government uphold the Charter's fundamental guarantees or override them?

Indeed, many Conservative policies view the Charter of Rights not as a fundamental guarantee for all Canadians, but rather as an obstacle to be circumvented in the drive to remake Canada's social fabric. You have regularly indicated a willingness to use the Charter's notwithstanding clause to override Charter rights and to put the state back into the bedrooms of the nation. Canadians respect and cherish the rights and values that the Charter guarantees. Extensive use of the override places rights squarely back where they were before the Charter was enacted: in the hands of a potentially hostile majority.

3. Would a Conservative government respect the Supreme Court, or compromise its independence?

We are also concerned that the lack of respect shown in Conservative members' public comments about the Constitution may extend to the Supreme Court. Your justice critic, Vic Toews, has stated that Supreme Court justices are "political actors" and "politicians." The Conservative Party handbook indicates that, if elected, you would create a parliamentary committee to review every Supreme Court decision and override the court where the committee considered the ruling in error.

Formalizing parliamentary review would undermine the court's independence and compromise its ability to protect Canadians. The court is one of Canada's most respected institutions.

Subjecting its rulings to political approval would upset the delicate balance of power between the Supreme Court and Parliament, the hallmark of constitutional democracy in Canada.

Mr. Harper, you are running to become prime minister, the most powerful office in the land. Where you stand on these fundamental issues will determine the rights and freedoms Canadians enjoy far into the
future; they deserve to know your plans. We look forward to your response.

-The Globe and Mail - Published Monday, June 07, 2004
I must admit that the results, though discouraging, are at least somewhat reasonable with regards to a mechanism to watchdog possible Conservative foreign policy initiatives. No surprise there - wasn’t that the prediction since the election was called? Is there anything wrong with a three-party government? Too soon to tell, but, in my opinion, as long as all three parties actually work on governing our country instead of laying blame and smear, they will do nothing for our issues. I remember Bush saying he had a “mandate” after “winning” by only 2% when he was elected. And as I heard sprouting from Conservative Jason Kenny’s mouth after the results were announced on CBC Newsworld:
“You know, tonight Canadians have voted for hope over fear. They voted for accountability over corruption. It’s really a victory for mainstream middleclass Canadians…”

I found the use of the word ‘fear’ to be strange and the phrase 'middleclass' to be frightening, maybe that’s just me. Getting cosier with that isn’t my idea of a Canadian position.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

limited edition of manifested philanthropy

Is it worse to be poor in a rich country or to be poor in a poor country? Of course either way, living in poverty is always a bad thing. The problem is in many poor countries 10% of the people control 90% of the wealth. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. That being said, those who are poor together tend to find a common bond and appreciate every little thing they can get, whereas in a wealthy country it’s difficult to appreciate what little one has.

I can imagine some of you who have grown up anywhere from the low to high-end middle class spectrum to have at one point or another faced sudden ‘poverty’, at least subjectively, and tend to attempt to cover or rationalize that shame at having to go where only ‘they’ or ‘those people’ have to go to survive, rather than using the experience to understand how truly equal we all can be in a matter of moments.

I grew up in a family that puts emphasis on memory, experience, creation, and sustenance of feelings. As an example, whereas most traditional North American families and individuals focus on Christmas or Birthdays as a time to get, get, get, and even the ones who change it to give, give, give in a fit of altruism tend to zero in on the value of what they are giving, I find that people who have lost everything but their humanity are perfectly and truly happy to share a meal, a cheap bottle of wine, and talk for hours about the past, the present, and their hopes and dreams for the future. They expect nothing back but good company, honesty, and to be treated as an equal.

I find myself either writing or referring to that damn quote from Fight Club again - “…The things you own end up owning you. It’s only after you lose everything that you’re free to do anything.” Our cultural discourse tends to focus so much on the act of consumption that perhaps the liberation of our own consciousness ties into our ability to un-plug from the host, and communicate again in person.

I hate to have so many multiple posts in one, but before this comes back to haunt me I figured now is a better time than ever. Here is the intent for today.

I have this terrible feeling that it’s going to be a good night for the Conservative Party, which I think would be a truly terrible thing for this country – most importantly from a foreign policy standpoint. But there are also other very troubling issues that should concern us, such as the promise to attempt to repeal same sex marriage legislation. Even if you were raised or not to disagree with same sex or same sex marriage, it must be recognized that a very dangerous precedent will be set if a Conservative government, charged with upholding the Charter, is able to challenge and repeal a law based on religious bias.

For me, the right for gay Canadians to marry is a human rights issue. And while there are those that disagree, I am of the belief that gay rights and human rights are one in the same. And like the right to freely practice ones religion, the right for people of the same sex to legally marry is one that must be viewed as a fundamental right in any society that professes to champion human rights. There can be no half measures or grey area. It is not acceptable to view certain rights as inalienable and not others because of religious bias. Because if that is acceptable at the Federal level, what does that say about the Federal government’s ability to attack others, such as those of minority religions? No matter how you choose to look at this, it is counter to the principles of liberty and equality - two pillars on which our society rests.

Or so we like to believe…

What remains to be seen is whether Harper will command a majority or minority Conservative government.

A minority would be no sweat as far as Canadian progressives who want to protect the Canada we have is concerned. He will have no one to bargain with. The Liberals and Tories are filled with enmity for one another. I can't see Jack Layton and the NDP cowtowing to the Conservatives on important issues such as the environment and militarization. Dealing with the Bloc would look bad on the Tories, and in some ways the Bloc as well. The Tories agenda on things like Kyoto, missile defence, and social conservative issues, would be in oppoistion to the Bloc positions on this issues. If the Conservatives win a minority government on Monday, I don't think we’d have as much to ‘really’ worry about.

A majority, on the other hand, would be a frightening prospect. Harper has said he would be restrained by the courts and by the Senate. With respect to the courts, he would be. That means the issues like same-sex marriage and abortion are safe from revisitation, for the forseeable future. However, it is customary and expected for the Senate to eventually pass all legislation that is sent to it from the House of Commons.

My major concerns with respect to Harper are numerous and include such things as agreeing to negotiate with the US over missile defence. Saying no to the Kyoto treaty. And retracting the aboriginal agreement reached a couple of months ago.

Harper has already indicated these positions on these issues in his platform. In my opinion, human survival is at stake with respect to the missile defence and ‘lack there of’ a commitment towards the climate change issues.

For those who believe I am all leftist within regards to my preceeding statements. For those who like to talk about Left vs. Right, I'd like to point out that two dimensional political spectrums only apply in specific domains. The Left vs. Right of the United States for example looks a little different than the Left vs. Right in Canada.

When one starts to think globally, the picture is vastly more complex. Even nationally, I believe Left vs. Right is now too simplistic to describe the true situation. Theres considerable debate over what exactly could be a 3 dimensional political spectrum. Interesting enough, to anyone who says democracy is what we have, you'd be wrong. Especially in the United States. In true capitalist form, those with the money end up ruling the society. An
Oligarchy or Plutocracy of some sort.

This Monday, I urge you to go out of your way to vote. Not only because it is your right but it is your time to send a message. It is not a question of who you believe in. It is a question of what you believe in.

Please Note: (fine print) Your vote cannot translate the will of the people, the citizens of this country, directly into policy making. Policy making is distorted by Corporate interests mainly, and secondly by the idealistic bias of the political parties. Surely, you'll agree. We're all on the side of the almighty dollar.

Friday, January 20, 2006

locked into competing ideas

The other day I caught a cold, and as I promptly went home from work yesterday, I was futher devoured by a disturbing fever. With further progression into something more serious. What can I say, I’m enjoying it immensely? It remains undetermined as to what has caused the problem, but either way I missed out on work today and my hand in the meeting with the department of justice counsil of legal issues was rather spent with much time examining the craftsmanship of a grouting tiled bathroom floor.

Nearly obsolete in every way. I now find myself in one of those days. In my bedroom where there's both so much and so little that all I can do to just dole out the highlights of what may be the lowlights. So, my thoughts travel towards drivel aside from having to very well sit in the living room in front of another episode of Oprah to Dr. Phil with my mother just for the sake of company. More than anything else, I am chagrined.

I have not stepped foot outside due to my vulnerable state. Therefore, I'm still unable to rent "Lord of War". So, I've settled for the alternative. The Breakfast Club.

Generally, for other heavy topics to keep you sitting in your bedroom spinning, there’s the furor over intelligent design. The whole distortion of concepts such as pushing something that has no evidence, no proof and no scientific consensus, in this case, “sound science" is so remarkably stupid as to make my eyes water.

That said, when something as patently unscientific as 'intelligent design' makes the news today, at least it's for the right reasons: the Vatican's official paper today published an article "praising a U.S. court decision that rejects the 'intelligent design' theory as non-scientific". The article continues:

"Intelligent design does not belong to science and there is no justification for the demand it be taught as a scientific theory alongside the Darwinian explanation,"
Which brings to mind the recent offshoot controversy about a school district that intended to teach "ID" in a philosophy class. That class has since been cancelled, but the idea (though not the execution, in this instance) is not entirely unsound. Promoting discourse between such diametrically opposed concepts is what education should be about. Instead, we get locked into these competing ideas where neither side will give any ground except under court order. It's sad and shameful that our society is so polarized in just about everything, and especially all things political, that we can't simply discuss these ideas and even occasionally agree to disagree.

How cool is that for internet age eavesdrops on a inner monologue?

Pretty Bad.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

sun set cubicles

The air is heavier. Just crushed these ribs. The shy morning sun from the cubicle seat. To lean over a ledge, to stand upon and ponder, to ask ourselves is anything worth everything. Got menus in mind in all these golden hours to pause and ponder; to take a few steps back, run and fly right over the edge, landing safely on the other side. Had the one painfully kept from everyone, conscious of what hurt might generate. Never speaks of fear. Kept thing. Trying to face what hides the withdrawal limit: to a winning game. Find me a number I should have not seen. Numbers up to 30 and in between. Anger has flames inside pupils. Beneath these perfect numbers shown. Everything is a relative and truth is no one. There are so many to see, but so few to firmly believe. That only spoken words are to be taken as real. Last pleasant words written followed by a tired and sad voice, undriven by vocal cold remedy. Through thunder and fire. Cannot speak: broken sentences of mere superficial ungenuine concern. Distant miles apart. Games are not to be played where serious words are to be certified with signature. Breach of contract not yet accepted. Access denied. Crushed, but still standing. Regain a stance and still remain fighting. Silent or not, the unrelated interlocutor of the moment. Of sun set cubicles.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

where have all the good people gone?

My artsy photoshoots haven’t been working out exactly as planned, so as an alternative, you can enjoy my commemorative black and white photos that appear to have been made for police records.

What else do I feel like reading about today in the news? Let's see… More anti-climactic blather about obvious Canadian political corruption or scientists discovering that mice can sing? Corrupt politicians? Singing mice? Elected weasels? Intelligent rodents? …It has to be the singing mice.

Sorry, but along with this little holiday of my own I’m taking a break from the public emails. Maybe sometime in the future. Apologies. Thanks to everyone who has that sent mail or bothered to call. I had fun hearing from each of you and your appreciation has not gone unnoticed. I have taken a couple suggestions on how to enjoy myself but I’m afraid the results ambled to a cold.

Besides staying in my room. The only time I step outdoors for freedom is to visit the local convenience store to get a root beer popsicle or some artificially flavoured bubble gum. Every time I realize that I could have been reporting for political re-education instead. Now as I look towards renting the well suggested, “Lord Of War” dvd, it turns out it will not be available until further notice by the store keeper. Beside that, if you like feeling quite disturbed, I think you should see this movie.

We all have our own terror to speak of. So, how does one go about winning the War on Terror? This pardigm tickles me and if contemporary examples are anything to go by, you would have to conclude that the plan involves fighting extremism with extremism. Fight death with death. Fire by Fire. Sadly, the lessons of ages past seems to elude us, as we continue to propogate the cycle of violence by fueling flames with hatred.

Why can’t we see outside our own box, and realize that policies are causing more terror, not making us free of it. When will politicians realize that you cannot wage war on a tactic? Maybe when we learn to live with more equity, fairness and justice, perhaps this terrorism will fade away. Perhaps after there are no more people like us who are so desperate and so disempowered that fear has no other recourse by which to change the situation. Until then, we are only liars and fools.

Fighting a war on terror is like fighting a war on Liars. Come to figure. As much as we'd love to wage that war, fighting it would not decrease the number of liars in the world. No. While ultimately coming full circle, it would only make us liars that much more determined to put ourselves in our place.

When I was young(er) I often heard, “…kid, the only way you’ll learn is by setting the example.” by doing that which others dare not do: what is humane, what is tolerant, what is just, what is selfless. In the face of all criticism. We must lead by not giving in to the fear that plagues our society. By not being afraid we free our minds to think of new solutions and new approaches inside and out of our lives. By not being afraid to be wrong, we can talk about what might be right. These egos exist only to be torn down. Humanity, on the other hand, will endure all of these things and become that which we make it.

What chance is there for accomplishing good when you are alienating and exploiting the very people you are trying to help? Keep on lying about it? You need only wait for negligence and deceit to defeat. And defeat you it will. The question is, when do we allow this to take place? Until then, more of the same. So sleep, sleep tonight. And may your dreams be realized.

Monday, January 16, 2006

the kid is calm

In a few hours I’ll officially be twenty-one years of age. Maybe I’ll just have a holiday to myself. Keep in the dark. We’re all here now aren’t we? If so, drop a line, I’d appreciate it. I’m sure we could all agree that all one needs is to be reminded once in a while that someone is paying attention.

Just today I listened to “A Hard Days Night” -- a Beatles album to be included amongst other albums such as Revolver, Rubber Soul, and the White album to achieve the same feeling of an alternate reality. That feeling most artists would strive for, to reverberate through walls and windows to keep restless souls captivated with intrigue to new points of possibilities with greater insight, skill, and heart than one solely may have been able to achieve alone.

It’s sad that most music today doesn’t even attempt to do anything concrete or innovative. It seems most people are content with the same predictable crap. But I guess that’s what happens when people who know nothing about music decide to become the major influential dictators of the music industry. Speaking about meaningful things to say that are concrete and innovative. Here’s a quick note on the predicament of Canadian politics.

- One of two parties is going to win this election – the Conservatives or the Liberals. It’s a fact.

- If you are a former Liberal supporter and you vote NDP or Green you will help achieve one thing – a Conservative government

- A Conservative minority will not align with the NDP or Green Party, therefore your NDP or Green vote will not have contributing input with regards to steering government policy.

- A Conservative government will look into repealing the same-sex marriage law and will try to shape the country in ways not dissimilar to the US (think tax cuts carried on the backs of the lower classes, think two-tier healthcare, think environmental priorities put on the back-burner, think unnecessary military action). And though it’s hopefully fear-mongering by the competition, thers’s talk of the conservatives investigating taking away a women’s right to choose to have an abortion.

- A Liberal minority would potentially align with the NDP and this is the only way (as an NDP supporter) to get your voice heard on a federal level.

Everytime I hear someone with a paranoia induced vote on the circumstances I shake my head saying ‘Look man, youhave to vote for the local candidate who best represents your beliefs’. But you see, theyt can’t see any way around the fact that voting for anyone but the Liberals right now will lead to a Conservative government. That makes me feelqueasy. Are the Liberals corrupt? Yes. Are they 75% inept? Yes. At least. Do they deserve to have their behaviour reinforced by rewarding them with anotherterm? Fuck no. Would a Conservative government be significantly worse? Oh fuck yes. It sucks voting for a bunch of thieving immoral pricks, but at this point what is the alternative? Depending on your political disposition, take it as you will - but I wanted to mention something that Ceasefire is pointing out which I think is important…

“As you may have seen in the news, the Liberals released their election platform and they pledged to pursue international negotiations to ban all weapons from space. This is the most significant newannouncement in their platform, and our Election Rapid Response Team issued a news release welcoming the pledge.

Since we initiated our
Put it to the Politicians campaign in November, hundreds and hundreds of people have sent in their questionnaire to Liberal Party headquarters. The questionnaire asks, “If elected, will you ensure that Canada leads the way for nuclear disarmament and the prevention of an arms race in space?”

Clearly, our messages are getting through with this surprise announcement from the Liberals. Congratulations, and let’s keep up the pressure.

NDP has released its election platform as well, and we have received the party’s response to our questionnaire, which we will be distributing in the coming days, along with our election analysis.

On a disturbing note, Stephen Harper repeated his promise yesterday to
re-open missile defence talks with the United States.

Campaign promises kept? That would indeed be something. Except in the case of Mr. Harper. I have a feeling that this is one campaign promise he intends to keep. If anything is going to make us lose our sovereignty, then holding onto the U.S. of A like a scared little child is the way to do it. Canada can etch it’s place into the world by NOT acting on paranoia and fear. But by going on a more global route of humanitarian respect and peace-keeping, not a self-righteous, “We’re number one, and that’s the way its gotta be…” one of militarization and pre-emptive attacks. Jumping the gun has been very obviously proven that it is a choice of fear and NOT intelligence.

The weaponization of space could be a horrible Pandora’s Box of disastrous consequences, but the mass fear for protection of Father America is causing people to bypass rational and calm thought, not only that but the tax debate issue. It seems that the instant anyone says there’s a chance that the “supremacy” of Holy America is threatened, the masses go running around like a scared flock of lamb screaming “what do we do?” to the ones in power. I seriously hope to that Canada does not follow suit with the US on the W.O.S… I don’t know what I’m going to do if Harper gets in office… it probably won’t be pretty. So, bottoms up.

Friday, January 13, 2006

stop that. that looks dangerous.

It's all about the cheddar. I must say my stupid monitor wasn’t working, and then I found I had forgot to put my glasses on... but everything's back to normal now. I now wonder what will capture my mood. Only one question now remains. Should I bang my head against the wall until my skull cracks and my brain, sensing its only chance to escape the vile reality of Canada of the new millenium, leaks out onto the floor? Or should I go out into the street, find some worthless shill, knock him to the ground, and then kick him until he stops moving?

Against my better judgement, I watched about an hour of the debate the other day. Afterwards, I tried to think of any new information I had gained and could only come up with Paul Martin's out of the blue announcement that the Liberals would remove the Federal Government's ability to use the notwithstanding clause. Maybe the lack of new information just reflects me paying a fair bit of attention to politics, I'm not sure. I just hope I don’t come out at as apathetic.

I applaud the intentions of the platform writers who, I assume, tried to reach out to young Canadians by making the platform into a game. Alas, young Canadians are likely to prefer Grand Theft Auto to the game of 'Where's Policy?', the written equivalent of 'Where's Waldo'. As I understand it, from my abortive attempt to read the platform as a statement of policy intentions, the point of the game is to uncover concrete plans for what the Conservatives or Liberals would do if elected, sifting through mountains of empty rhetoric, feel-good phrases, rehashes of previous announcements and self-congratulory historical cherry-picking. I think I’ll go NDP just for the sake of knocking the ice off my shoulder on our fellow two. Anywhere it lands, I predict our new government will announce, "This time we are prepared like ninjas."

What is the ordeal, what's transpiring? To answer your questions, I have been thinking about trying to find me some rabbits. I know they're out there, you can see their tracks. Primary impediment being that you have to wake up very early or one of the foxes will steal your rabbit. Foxes have stole my rabbits before. Weasels have stolen my fish before. You get used to it. Moral opposition is welcome and I've been skinny as a vegetarian for years. In the past, I know they're right but I literally can't see a difference between killing something or using whatever money to do it for you behind the scenes save that killing it yourself is better because you know you're humane by supposedly saying thanks and mother nature as it helped provide for you. The natives have this thing about cutting out the middleman. If anyone has anything after that then go ahead, it's probably bourgeois drivel though.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

interior designer

Last night I blew my back and shrank 3 inches over night. Now I’m out of my head on muscle relaxants. Moving in new furniture, assembling, and creating new room fixtures can be tiring all in one night. It could all become quite exhausting. Not to say that it will all together keep me away from my blog. My somewhat competetive nature (were I to become, yes, even a more avid blogger) would have me delving into a variety of activities I wouldn't otherwise be interested in just so I could produce sentences in interest of those who actually like reading... "…friday night I did my rounds, and then went skydiving naked just for the hell of it. While falling I figured it's entirely possible that I blew part of my left occipital lobe out of my nose when I sneezed. I feel less somehow." At any rate - even if that were true, it wouldn't really be true, unless it actually became true, and then I wouldn't really want it to be true anymore.

Two years ago I began submersing myself into film making with due interest in developing my own ideas. This has yet to make progress. Yet, I must say, you do find out some things about the late 1960’s 16mm film stocks. At the time they were still improving. Silent 16mm cameras were getting lighter and more portable. Sometime later someone realized that it’s no longer necessary to have an enormous crew to make films while still maintaining the minimum tolerable technical standard (which ultimately became known as “broadcast quality” – a term so relative, and rapidly evolving as to be virtually meaningless today [if some chump will broadcast it – it’s broadcast quality]). Using this discovery as ammunition, a whole slew of documentary filmmakers started making low budget “window on the world films,” where they abstain from the traditional voice of God narration, and ‘simply record what’s going on from an impartial and honest perspective.’ While some great films materialized, this movement was, of course, more than a little bit full of shit. There’s no such thing as objective cinema! People quickly realized that the filmmaker’s editorial input is inextricable, and basically the movement fizzled…except that somehow, rather than disappearing, this pattern is repeating itself.

Aside from the obvious reality T.V. craze, look at what I’m doing right now! I figure my blog is not so distant. Here we are in the early 21st century and computers are improving. Digital cameras are cheap, small and readily available. The technology behind maintaining a weblog has been reduced to a process so embarrassingly simple that soon every narcissist will be broadcasting each and every banal thought that crosses their infinitesimally small minds, and I fear that this is all still in it’s infancy.
And yet here I sit, still contributing to this big mess of information that just swirls around aimlessly until it accidentally finds itself splattered across the screen of some other bored soul frustrated by having to read this instead of the article they were originally looking for. Sorry.

Sometimes it is hard to resist making up little stories for people when you have such limited knowledge about them. I want to know these people, but all I have is my little imagination to help me out. It would be a little impolite to ask. And, furthermore, I don't really have an interest in getting to know them. I am a busy man. Those of whom have recent interest in my activities will be contacted on the basis of whether or not you will be beneficial. Until then, I recommend staying tuned, on the hour, by the hour, everyday, and in everyway.

The world’s so full of leaks that something must surely be sinking.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

what to do with myself

Art as divided into two categories: Not Enough or Too Much. Not Enough leaves too weak a taste for memory, Too Much makes the knees weak and you're down. Taking into account my current status as a painter, I would have to say that I don’t apply the necessary elbow grease like I used to. It all wears down to a gray primer of tolerance. I tell myself, I need art in my life. It is my life. Therefore I came to the conclusion that the next time I’m out, my digital camera will always be by my side. In a re-engineering effort to my extended approach in content driven art. When I walk outside, the garbage I’ll see will look less like trash and more like a photo op.

I did something I haven’t done in a while. I went out to eat at a restaurant. Why the new occasion? It was a for my long time friend, Mooky, who’s leaving for North Bay later this evening. This gathering united his friends and family together to say hello and enjoy middle-eastern cuisine. I sat in the corner by myself. I got lazy and only turned halfway, watching everyone through the corner of my eye. From what I can gather, I would probably think I’m a snob, and I might have been right. After all, the first time I spoke to either of them I was faced with that same question that they would ask me. One being why I was so quiet, and that’s the excuse I gave them. They gave up trying to talk to me long ago, but, nonetheless, I exchanged a simple wave and crooked smile with each of them for the most part. When I finished my glass of water, looking at what I had left from my meal, I tried to figure out what to do with myself. There are pressures associated with the conduct of oneself amongst those with expertise. Even Mooky’s younger brother Mustafa had his play on significant roles and management within family business. Maybe that was the primary point where I enjoyed myself. Then again, I’m mistaken in the latter.
They drove me home. I let them in. They met the house pets. It was there Mustafa let us in on his little secret. Amongst the darkest most grotesque fetishes, the stuff of criminals and deformed minds, I found he’s an exception of mention to the relatively innocent people who like pets all too too much. I won’t write much about this, it along with the daily occurrences in life, practice, wouldn’t be of much interest. That and the existing events deserve no promotion. As Mooky would say, “He’s just gay that way.” I say, daily health club memberships don’t cut it and a dose of mental therapy is needed. One and for all.

ex-postfacto of space

If there's one way that I could describe almost everyone in the world this would probably be how I'd do it. It seems to me there are lot of people asserting that there are two kinds of people, so first, lets do the same thing everyone else is doing. There's the ignorant for one who are also known as airheads. They aspire to or merely live shallow lives. Their greatest fears are boredom and loneliness. For them loneliness means not having anyone to do things with; boredom having no things to do.

The next would be of greatest fear; that of a malcontent. Their claim is that this is all there really is to life. That they've had it as good as it's ever gonna be and it will never be anything more. There is no heaven to comfort the malcontent. There is no God to keep them moral. We can familiarize a malcontent with any Liberal or Conservative. Democrat or Republican. Lying through their teeth like a politician.


Taking the political storm by example, there's something about the groupings of people that really just serve to comfort people in their ignorance. We all start as ignorant. No one is born as a malcontent. We must strive from time to time to break away from this normality so that we can see it's flaws. Is there a way to get out of the category of malcontents? Does it have to involve becoming ignorant again? I like to hope that there are some people somewhere who neither accept all that they see and hear nor that are intensely and eternally dissatisfied. I hope that I'm not wrong about the Dalai Lama... After looking briefly at one of his books of enlightenment. I decided it wasn't exactly for me although I'm still interested in sometime reading what he does have to offer.

I've been feeling sentimental for days gone by. I may wonder if I'm not just one of those autistic kids who sits on the fringes of a group and can't relate to those on the inside. One of those kids who everyone says is really weird. "...but not in a bad way." Of course, it's politically incorrect to say that someone's weird in a bad way. But I wonder sometimes if I’m some mentally defective hermit who's absolutely convinced that he's living in reality, while all of society considers someone much like myself... well... retarded. It would explain why sometimes I get into ugly arguements for no legitimate reason, even with myself included. Why I question people when I'm told by others I shouldn't. Why some tell me that I'm an asshole. Maybe even a slack.

Plato or Aristotle must have said that it's the mark of an educated mind to entertain an idea without accepting it. I think that must have at least some truth in it. But is someone who never accepts ideas super-educated or mentally-defective? Take Noam Chomsky, an anarchist with few academic credentials as a historian. He's a linguist by trade and by most accounts a rather good one. That said I think his ideas are interesting but I doubt their truthfulness. He claims that the reasons Americans know/knew about the terrible genocide in Cambodia and not that of the Indonesians was that the US was profiting by this massacre. This is quite an interesting theory, but like most, it is also incredibly flawed. Chomsky fundamentally believes that all people are by nature incredibly intelligent and capable of high level thought. I, as you've read, think most people as blissfully ignorant about as much as they can be. The reason that Americans knew about Cambodia and not Indonesia is that American's had no ideas or cares about it. Cambodia, however, was well known neighbour of America's strategic interests in Vietnam. American's cared because they had some context. Indonesia may as well have been on a different planet for most of them. Nearly every arguments conclusion can be deduced if you know something about the arguer. My world view shapes of opinion are all about the underdog, man.

So much yet so little to say, so much space to ex postfacto. Lack of word score notwithstanding. So, I mean, nothing seems worth relating, everything will be kept close to the vest, as in, not being transmitted via the internet to your eyes, ears, and throats, and, er, noses. Okay, now I’m going check my email. We're both old and stuck in our ways. Theres fascination within itself. Its only rivaled by my inconsistent lack of feelings of adequacy towards and in regards to mentioning it. There, I said it. I know I’ll always regret it. And they say you regret the things you don’t do. They, whoever the hell they are, never read that sentence. They never even considered it. Bastards. I don’t know quite how it happened, or, more accurately, at all how it happened, but I believe it has something to do with alleyways within neurons on top of blips of electrical impulses and currents and shit like that.

Sometimes I wonder if this conduit is a place where some come together in riotous laughter, regretful tears, and righteous anger to discuss and yearn anxiously for information on that pinnacle of yester- connectedness. Again, I have no e-mail. Let me slap you. And then me. And then you. Now you slap me. Ok, now I’ll slap you again.

Ok, I think I'm done.

Friday, January 06, 2006

put it to the politicians

Basically all that I type consists of completely random nonsense closely related to trash about me and what ever effects me enough to type about it. Yet, some people still may find speculation as to what actually goes on during my routine or personal life, I might add that it doesn’t concern the public nor does it beg any explanatory means other than; there is this one lover of a woman; this one who esteems this woman as the higher type of humanity. Other than that, my nature in writing just doesn’t allow me.

Tonight, the artist I once worked with had called. He just arrived home from his visit to Florida. As I listened to his message I had to pull over so I could hold the phone with one hand and cover my mouth with the other as I hesitated a yawn. I listened to him again and at first I didn't trust that it was in fact him I was hearing. “Is that a fact?... Really?” I said. I continued by asking whether he was interested in going to the local downtown pub this Friday for Project Ketchup. It is a go, him along with another long time crony of mine.

Not that it was close to my less enduring bedtime, there was an evening going away party for a gentleman named Chris from my evening workplace. I had been invited by management to attend what I usually would suspect to be a sometimes wickedly queer to talk about being happy and excited gathering. As I usually sit back and listen to everyone talk about… mostly hockey. I find myself silent. People might not want to hear about the world being such a shit hole right now. What with the government expedite process for a stack of cash.

I’m worried that both the Conservatives and the Liberals are pushing Canada to build an offensive American-style military and an aggressive foreign policy: The major political parties need to know that a majority of Canadians oppose wars like the U.S. invasion of Iraq. And Canadians will not tolerate the breaking of international law by supporting torture. I believe missile defence is a threat to our basic security…

That’s why when this so called Armchair Activist found he needed to do his part to push "Put it to the Politicians" – asking them where they stand on peace issues. Do they care about Canada’s traditional role as a peacemaker? Or are they in favour of supporting illegal invasions, torture, and expensive military schemes like Bush’s missile defence system? Here are a few things that remain standing between politic debates.

Stephen Harper said he is prepared to re-open missile defence talks with the United States, spend billions of dollars on long-range aircraft, warships and more commandos, and resurrect the disgraced Canadian Airborne Regiment (how can we forget the torture and murder of that teenaged boy by Canadian Airborne members in Somalia, and then the cover-up by our military leadership?)

Paul Martin’s so-called star candidate, Michael Ignatieff, supported Canada joining Bush’s invasion of Iraq and the missile defence scheme – he sounds like such an apologist for the Bush administration, he’s even justified some forms of torture! If he and the Liberals are elected, will Michael Ignatieff become our next Foreign Affairs Minister?

And Jack Layton, who led the way in opposing Canadian involvement in Iraq and "Star Wars," seems hesitant to say anything concerning defence issues during this election.

Other than that, I don't know. I'm going. I can’t say that I’m not curious to find out how these guys have been. And after tonight, I never knew how much I missed that good old taste of under the tap cold beer, you know? If at best, I expect hollow consolation.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

excluded from the so called leaders

I’m still stuffy with spots on my eyes. As I searched the internet I spied something that tickled my fancy. Note: Keep in mind that my "fancy" is easily tickled. I like these big-hearted people much like you and I, don't get me wrong, but my observation is that everyone is much too busy doing whatever it may be from who knows, castrating and beheading chickens to actually read or watch the news. Certainly, my student audience doesn’t have time for in-depth studying.

I tend to stay out of political arguments, seeing that there's no point to them. Under attack, most people hold onto what they believe ever more rigidly, and the only way to sway their minds is to show by example that you're living a happier life. I am currently in no position to do that.

Well, I believe there’s three weeks before the Federal election in Canada. We can land the blame for this one squarely in the laps of the NDP who sided with the wannabe neo-con Conservatives and the separatist Bloc Quebecois to bring down the Liberal minority government. The riding I live in is a chance between Green or NDP, but as I’m going between both ways I’m more free than usual to cast my vote according to my wants rather than a perceived need to vote strategically (i.e. hold my nose and vote Liberal.) To that end I might vote for the
Greens. The only few things I should point out about the Greens is that they are fiscally conservative, but while being socially liberal. Hmm. For example:

Fair Taxes
Taxes are one tool governments have to shape society. For instance, both the Conservatives and Liberals have used our tax system to benefit corporations. Just in the last 5 years, federal corporate taxes have been reduced by almost 8 per cent as corporate profits hit record highs.

Meanwhile the cost of living for ordinary Canadians has increased. Canadians are spending more and saving less, which means working Canadians are having a harder time covering the groceries and providing for their families. Instead of more corporate tax cuts, our tax system should guide the economic priorities of Canadians by lowering taxes for working Canadians and reducing poverty rates. We can do this by shifting taxes away from jobs and employment, and onto pollution and non-sustainable products, thereby freeing up funding for social programs while encouraging new infrastructure.

Green Party MPs are working to:

Reduce taxes for Canadians earning less than $45,000 per year.

-Establish an all-party task force to study corporate tax rates between Canada and the United States, taking into account the differences in and provision of various social programs.

-Close all loopholes that permit the establishment of offshore tax havens by Canadian companies.

-Establish a new Parliamentary Budget Office to provide independent public estimates of government revenues and expenditures. Simplify reporting in order to identify how government initiates new policies, the creation of budgets and the design of programs through to the actual results achieved.

I hope more people will vote Green. Not only do I think it is the right thing to do because of all the parties they have the most environmental, social, and fiscally responsible platform but because every vote the Greens get in this election brings them $1.75 in federal funding towards the next election. The more money, and more votes, the Greens get more Canadian attention and will be able to equally to sit up and take notice, so perhaps come the next election the Greens will no longer be excluded from the televised "leaders" debates. Wasn’t that ridiculous.

We seriously end up having to ask ourselves, because of this how will it change my life? Answer; maybe not one bit. Reason why? Maybe your ignorant. Maybe it's because your completly oblivious. But ultimately, you'll hope. Not one bit. It’s like that for most of America’s population.

"As long as the government doesn’t mess with our’ 9-5 routine, we won’t care."

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

avoidance and resolution of claims

I am Dane’s body and I am very, very achy. I am Dane’s throat and I am very, very sore. I am Dane’s glands and I am very, very swollen. I am Dane’s back and I hate him. I am Dane’s lips and no matter how much water he drinks I am going to keep them very, very chap. I am Dane’s sandman and I refuse to visit him. I am Dane’s headache and I refuse to let Advil take me down. I am Dane’s body temperature and I’ll go way, way up the second he puts a blanket on and I’ll go way, way down the second he takes the blanket off. I am Dane’s head and I refuse to get him on top of anything. I am Dane’s left butt muscle and I’m going to keep cramping up probably due to the amount of sitting he puts me through.

Subject change.

The actual experience of watching a movie is a blur of jumbled images. There are ladies in scary makeup and impractical dresses. I emerge, squinting and blinking and relieved to have passed through this trial by fire mostly unscathed. I’ve certainly ranked nice and high on my list of movies. Movies that I probably if best not want to sit through again.

I remember when I once worked in a theater. I was one of maybe three guys there on the floor some nights. All of us made furtive eye contact with each other as we passed in the hallways, all us sharing the same scared, hunted-animal look, wide blood-shot eyes darting, nostrils flaring. On some occasions I would announce the film being seen once everyone was seated. I made my first of many attempts to capture everyones attention in my choice of words and presentation. Come to today, I see as I try to seek refuge against the merciful slumber, the luminescent lights only foil this shadow of wakefulness and I stumble in my words, and come crashing into my little world of pseudo cryptic meaning.

It's true: I've done more than my fair share of complaining. It's so easy to do. It just sort of wears on you, the everydayness. Dirt and the rocks, that's what it is. The everyday dirt and rocks of a foundation you work so hard to build, and you get lost in it and then it becomes near impossible to see what you were working so hard to create in the first place.

And then all of the sudden, find yourself looking back. If you're lucky, you really see. You are able to look beyond the daily gritting of teeth, the sweating, the steady application of much elbow grease, the inconvenience of 365 days of living and you see your life for what it really is. I am an expert whiner, I am superb. My skills in this area are unmatched, it may even surprise some people to know that I am the pessimist, the realist, and the eternal optimist in this deal. I am steeped in my ways that I can't see the beauty in my life that is spilling out all over the place that I am rolling in it. I'm drenched and saturated by it.

And the recovery begins...

Sunday, January 01, 2006

the next best thing since bread

Happy New Years Everyone. First off, hope you awoke to those pretty birds singing. But can you tell me this, can you tell me if you do feel the resolution ticking into your vacant brains? When napping, I awoke and for one too many hours in a row and I had these snap attacks, trying to justify to my partner, in a backwards reminiscent sort of way. The past being what it was and the future as the present. Try not to forget it I’d try to swing. But faced with the begging question, “What does that mean?” I’d just shut up with the holes that are pointless to explain. I came to wonder, does this mean that everything random that happens to us, is like that of experiencing the feeling of a rush, or exhiliration? Isn't randomness that makes us human?

The Oxford Dictionary definition of the word random is "made, done, happening, or chosen without method or conscious decision". Random actions/situations/thoughts can influence serious change in our lives. Could decisions I make today really influence the outcomes of tomorrow, or is it the random events that occur in my day that truly influence the outcomes of my life, and in general. I decided to do a bit more investigation into this idea. I thought of some examples about how something random, can affect people's lives.

Scenario 1: You're walking down the street and you trip over an object that wasn't meant to be there, like a piece of lead pipe that just happened to fall from the scaffolding above just as you were checking out the person walking past you. Who knows. So you trip over this piece of pipe and a stranger helps you up. That stranger introduces themselves and there's an instant connection, you then remain friends/lovers/etc for the rest of your life. Question: are any of these actions truly random? The lead pipe fell because of a careless worker, you tripped because you are a day dreamer, the person walking towards you had a horoscope that day that said "you will meet the person of your dreams".

Okay. A little sappy, but isn't that how randomness is portrayed in movies? Scenario 2: It's late at night, you're a bus driver working your usual route. You stop at a normal stop, all of a sudden 3 people jump onto your bus running for cover from a gun fight. You drive this route, stop at that stop every day. But tonight, you get shot in the face by a stray bullet meant for someone else. Was this random, was this a coincidence? Some might say, you agreed to work on a dangerous route. The gun fight was a product of a failure by our education, judicial and policing systems (Apopros, this event isn’t as far from the truth. I’ll get back to it soon enough).

After that. I decided to do a little bit more investigation into this word that has me so puzzled. I decided to Google the word "random", because what better a source for some answers then the most random collection of random things, but an internet search engine, where the lines between fiction, reality, truth and lies sometimes get completely blurred. (Ok, you are right sometimes. I can come across as dramatic). Back on track. The Google search came up with 279,000,000 hits for the word random. The selections that came up were equally eclectic. From random number generations, to Random acts of Reality, to Random House publishing, and I could go on. I decide I'm going to look at 2 random sites, on 2 random pages. Decided by the first 2 numbers that popped into my head (random? Or was it meant to be?). In looking at theses sites, the one a blog that depicts random events occurring to a white collar describing his work, again depicting that these random events in some way were tied together.

That was the conclusion I came to.. That all these "random" events are tied together by personal connections, linked by personal feelings, spread by people's storytelling. Meaning that nothing can truly happen without cause because there will always be a consequence for a "random" thing. And so, "random" is redundant because of its human connections.

So back to what we said today about random events changing lives. Maybe they do change lives, but for a reason. And who are we to criticize that occurrence, because no matter what the conclusion, at least we learn something from it. And, here we are. What more can we cognitive selves ask for?
Back to what I wanted to continue. There has been a recent rash of gun violence. And in Toronto, as early this morning
yet another person died of apparent gunshot wounds. We can tell you that nothing involving a gun is pleasant. And fuck hunting, there's no point to that anymore, so get that shitty argument out of my face.

Anyway, I looked at
Canada's gun laws today and I also looked at a few sites that detailed different kinds of handguns and their potential uses. Personally I think all handguns should be banned world-wide with the exception of the ones issued to Police officers and certain other security persons, but in Canada, medium and long barreled guns are still legal for hunting, and....well almost anything goes with those "I need it for self-protection" gurus.

Take a look at this site which details different guns and their uses, pay careful attention to the language being used, is it not scary? Will this comfortable abandonment of our humanity ever find itself weary of such trends? We must believe in the possibility that when we feel helpless amidst the workings of this world, we have not entirely been drained of the realization that we can, and must, demand more of ourselves.