excluded from the so called leaders

I tend to stay out of political arguments, seeing that there's no point to them. Under attack, most people hold onto what they believe ever more rigidly, and the only way to sway their minds is to show by example that you're living a happier life. I am currently in no position to do that.
Well, I believe there’s three weeks before the Federal election in Canada. We can land the blame for this one squarely in the laps of the NDP who sided with the wannabe neo-con Conservatives and the separatist Bloc Quebecois to bring down the Liberal minority government. The riding I live in is a chance between Green or NDP, but as I’m going between both ways I’m more free than usual to cast my vote according to my wants rather than a perceived need to vote strategically (i.e. hold my nose and vote Liberal.) To that end I might vote for the Greens. The only few things I should point out about the Greens is that they are fiscally conservative, but while being socially liberal. Hmm. For example:
Fair TaxesI hope more people will vote Green. Not only do I think it is the right thing to do because of all the parties they have the most environmental, social, and fiscally responsible platform but because every vote the Greens get in this election brings them $1.75 in federal funding towards the next election. The more money, and more votes, the Greens get more Canadian attention and will be able to equally to sit up and take notice, so perhaps come the next election the Greens will no longer be excluded from the televised "leaders" debates. Wasn’t that ridiculous.
Taxes are one tool governments have to shape society. For instance, both the Conservatives and Liberals have used our tax system to benefit corporations. Just in the last 5 years, federal corporate taxes have been reduced by almost 8 per cent as corporate profits hit record highs.
Meanwhile the cost of living for ordinary Canadians has increased. Canadians are spending more and saving less, which means working Canadians are having a harder time covering the groceries and providing for their families. Instead of more corporate tax cuts, our tax system should guide the economic priorities of Canadians by lowering taxes for working Canadians and reducing poverty rates. We can do this by shifting taxes away from jobs and employment, and onto pollution and non-sustainable products, thereby freeing up funding for social programs while encouraging new infrastructure.
Green Party MPs are working to:
Reduce taxes for Canadians earning less than $45,000 per year.
-Establish an all-party task force to study corporate tax rates between Canada and the United States, taking into account the differences in and provision of various social programs.
-Close all loopholes that permit the establishment of offshore tax havens by Canadian companies.
-Establish a new Parliamentary Budget Office to provide independent public estimates of government revenues and expenditures. Simplify reporting in order to identify how government initiates new policies, the creation of budgets and the design of programs through to the actual results achieved.
We seriously end up having to ask ourselves, because of this how will it change my life? Answer; maybe not one bit. Reason why? Maybe your ignorant. Maybe it's because your completly oblivious. But ultimately, you'll hope. Not one bit. It’s like that for most of America’s population.
"As long as the government doesn’t mess with our’ 9-5 routine, we won’t care."
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