most potential benefit

As for the few of you who have asked me what are these things I write about. This question is easily answered. All of them are about the devil. Always have been, always will be.
Somewhere between Tron and Mallrats I devised the cunning. I decided that the best thing for this website would be to release various works of the lowest common denominator. The internet is plentiful in this information age as I’ve come to notice, so it’s just a matter of weeding through. I think myself brilliant, to say the least. For you see, some of the things going on today are by far worth sharing.

So, slowly but surely, their concerns started to get to me. I would read and reread this damn thing, hoping each time that it wasn’t as bad as they made it out to be. But it was. By then I had completely forgotten that my intentions were to offend people. As many people as possible, in fact. But it wasn’t to be. So I rallied. My second plan was nowhere near as cunning as my first. I came up with the idea to let some others review what they had read. This led to further trouble. In the end, of course, I simply shit canned the whole thing and started again from scratch. But I wouldn’t deny you the pleasure of reading some of them. Here is my favourite.
"Hey-ya shithead! Here’s your review. It was very boring. I was glad to read it. Give my love to your mommy! She’s so sweet!"My critical analysis. ‘Piece Of Shitness’. I am in my opinion an idiot. I have the right to say that because I’ve known myself for so long. Then again, I think that this review is some kind of retaliation for what I've done but yet to realize. If it isn’t, I don’t know what is.
This is my crazy speech about how everyone should go to hell because it’s Hawaii only the sky’s red. Do y’know what I mean? Wake up and smell the coffee, I may be talking about surfing on lava and roasting pigs on spits. If I don’t go anywhere. I just blab. And if I don’t, might as well listen. I’m good at blabbing stuff, then again, I’m not so good at blabbing at all. By the end of it all I sometimes invent all kinds of things like clothing soap that people should use to clean their brains and call it Brain Stains. Do y’know what I mean? Then I’ll start talking about giant fire bunnies and little green alien guys that capture people to bring them to hell to serve the devil. There really are aliens from outer space. They’re just working for the devil and only want to bring you down to hell so you can become some kind of slave. The devil’s bible is really Alice from Wonderland in disguise. So what the hell am I talking about then? There are others, of course. Some of them are nasty, real nasty. Most are without purpose and some rather boring. And that’s just not what you came here to read here, now is it? No.

But one thing you did not come here for, I tell you, is tits and ass. There aren’t any tits and ass in this website. And strangely enough, y’know, I notice there are no people in this website. Which tends to make one wonder, if there were tits and ass in this website, would there be people in this website? Did you ever consider the fact that you’re entertained by nothing at all? The fact that you sit at home and you are entertained by marketing. Not really bombarded by art, literature, or music itself but rather what has the most potential benefit, be it money or masturbation. It doesn’t have to say anything or do anything in particular. Tits and ass 24/7.The world may very well be kinda like a 7/11 of tits and ass. But sure, you can deny it, albeit you’re the product of this environment.
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