put it to the politicians

Tonight, the artist I once worked with had called. He just arrived home from his visit to Florida. As I listened to his message I had to pull over so I could hold the phone with one hand and cover my mouth with the other as I hesitated a yawn. I listened to him again and at first I didn't trust that it was in fact him I was hearing. “Is that a fact?... Really?” I said. I continued by asking whether he was interested in going to the local downtown pub this Friday for Project Ketchup. It is a go, him along with another long time crony of mine.
Not that it was close to my less enduring bedtime, there was an evening going away party for a gentleman named Chris from my evening workplace. I had been invited by management to attend what I usually would suspect to be a sometimes wickedly queer to talk about being happy and excited gathering. As I usually sit back and listen to everyone talk about… mostly hockey. I find myself silent. People might not want to hear about the world being such a shit hole right now. What with the government expedite process for a stack of cash.
I’m worried that both the Conservatives and the Liberals are pushing Canada to build an offensive American-style military and an aggressive foreign policy: The major political parties need to know that a majority of Canadians oppose wars like the U.S. invasion of Iraq. And Canadians will not tolerate the breaking of international law by supporting torture. I believe missile defence is a threat to our basic security…
That’s why when this so called Armchair Activist found he needed to do his part to push "Put it to the Politicians" – asking them where they stand on peace issues. Do they care about Canada’s traditional role as a peacemaker? Or are they in favour of supporting illegal invasions, torture, and expensive military schemes like Bush’s missile defence system? Here are a few things that remain standing between politic debates.
Stephen Harper said he is prepared to re-open missile defence talks with the United States, spend billions of dollars on long-range aircraft, warships and more commandos, and resurrect the disgraced Canadian Airborne Regiment (how can we forget the torture and murder of that teenaged boy by Canadian Airborne members in Somalia, and then the cover-up by our military leadership?)
Paul Martin’s so-called star candidate, Michael Ignatieff, supported Canada joining Bush’s invasion of Iraq and the missile defence scheme – he sounds like such an apologist for the Bush administration, he’s even justified some forms of torture! If he and the Liberals are elected, will Michael Ignatieff become our next Foreign Affairs Minister?
And Jack Layton, who led the way in opposing Canadian involvement in Iraq and "Star Wars," seems hesitant to say anything concerning defence issues during this election.
Other than that, I don't know. I'm going. I can’t say that I’m not curious to find out how these guys have been. And after tonight, I never knew how much I missed that good old taste of under the tap cold beer, you know? If at best, I expect hollow consolation.
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