when the dust settles the children run amok

All one need do is dedicate some time exploring the insidious world of political blogging to discover that when it comes to political punditry, convolution reigns and little else. On websites around the net this evening, a multitude of pundits are licking their lips, anticipating the mud-slinging that will consume the next month. And when the dust settles, the child poverty rate in this country will still be second highest among the world’s most industrialized nations.
How should we treat with those Members of Parliament that gleefully strutted around the House today as if school kids drunk for the first time if all of this produces the same result?
Some interesting independent polling information by way of the CBC…
“The poll suggests voters have little faith in their federal political leaders and that an overwhelmingmajority - 73 per cent - don’t really expect politicians to keep their election promises once they are in power. Almost two-thirds of those asked said when it comes to honesty and integrity, all parties are pretty much the same. Yet 94 per cent said honesty and integrity in government are either somewhat or very important in determining how they plan to vote.”
In my opinion, a real government is one comprised of representatives that can put aside their partisanship to affect real change. Unfortunately, that sort of thinking is far more wishful than realistic, which makes you wonder why we keep voting most of these people into power. Maybe this time around we should make our displeasure with government itself be the focus, and not the redundant, empty promises of people that are little better than game show hosts. One thing that should not be overlooked is that this election could ultimately determine the future of Canada as we know it.