Monday, November 21, 2005

to the unionized people of public services

Yeah I know I’m pretty lame. But in my defense, there must be like one lost person lurking here or something so, if I’m not all that entertaining at least it doesn’t matter to a lot of people. December 6th 1989, a misogynous man named Marc Lépine killed 14 young women at the Montreal Polytechnic University. This was claimed by Lépine himself through a suicide as a gesture against women and feminists.

Now 16 years later, a man has written an email to a women group saying he will finish Lépine’s job. The police have arrested him and found many firearms in his appartment. Crazy is what it is.

Amnesty’s 10,000 voices is a campaign to help stop violence against women all over the world. Please check it out. You may be saying something like, Yeah... Sometimes unions are a good thing. Much like 10,000 Voices of Amnesty. They are designed to ensure minimal comfort and keep us from abuse. But more often than not, unions turn into a mass of egotistical childish beings who seem to forget that there is a world besides their own selves. That is where unions become a bad thing.

Now, the unionized people in the public services, in this case OC Transpo, Ottawa's own public tranportation (maybe even in other cases; schools, health systems, daycare, etc) are imposing strikes (which means service is paralysed) in order to get a bigger salary and salary equity (which means that men and women are paid the same for the same job and that’s a necessary demand). But what does this mean? It means that people much like me who have to work there asses off to make ends meet, have to spend more days trying to make more money during those days to travel. It means that parents have to miss work because they cannot bring their child to daycare; it means that, except for urgent patients and surgeries, the health system is paralysed. I will have to hurl this over until the beginning of December. We'll see, won't we.

On another topic, someone jumped in front of the bus. It’s always spine-chilling when that happens. You’d be surprised how often it does though.


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