d a t e | s h o w s |
| FEB.17.08
| Mercury Lounge
56 Byward Market Sq.Side Door - Upstairs Ottawa, ON, Canada
| Bands, Beads & Brushes
Single night featuring live local bands and local artists. Organized by Marcus Lamoureux
| Oh So Good
25 York Street Ottawa, ON, Canada
| Two month display featuring prints of Dane Atkinson's paintings. Organized by Marcus Lamoureux
| Mercury Lounge
56 Byward Market Sq.Side Door - Upstairs Ottawa, ON, Canada
| Collective Seen VII
Arrangement of artists and artists works. Organized by Robbie
| Babylon Nightclub
317 Bank Street Ottawa, ON, Canada
| Basement Artists presents - Bonanza II
Single night featuring live local bands and 25 artists from across Ottawa. Organized by Marcus Lamoureux
| The Buzz Restaurant
374 Bank Street Ottawa, ON, Canada
| Vernissage
Art Show featuring original artwork by 3 talented up & coming local artists that included Cristin Price, Jennilee Murray and Dane Atkinson. Vernissage on DEC.02.07. Exhibit displayed from NOV.15.07 - JAN.02.07. Organized by Marcus Lamoureux
SEP.15.07 | Babylon Nightclub
317 Bank Street Ottawa, ON, Canada
| Basement Artists presents - Bonanza
Single night featuring live local bands and 25 artists from across Ottawa.
Organized by Marcus Lamoureux