everyday nomad souls
Like I said, that’s the spin. The nitty gritty is that approx 7.5% of the sub-Saharan African population is infected with AIDS and that percentage continues to grow each year along with some 2.2 million deaths so far and the likely worst yet to come. The biggest source of growth for the Catholics has long been 3rd world countries; poverty and desperation are great indicators for religious growth potential. What the church sees is it’s believers dying off faster than they are being replaced. What they see is children dying because fathers infected mothers because of this other women insist on condom use despite the church’s pronouncements, a situation that will always lead to a lessening of the church’s authority. Loss of authority over the sheep combined with a declining believer base due to AIDS has left them little choice.
Cloak it however you like the use of contraceptives has never really been about theology, it has always at its root been about power, authority and the need for the church’s followers to breed with great fecundity in order to produce many more of the brainwashed and often sexually abused by the clergy into believing their hogwash.

Amusing the inner nerd to a video game based on the Star Wars films, I thought to myself about life on the Skywalker Ranch, contrary to what you might imagine, it’s no sprawling shrine to the Lucas empire (or “Empire”). You’d be hard-pressed to find so much as an Ewok spear, in the way of props, laying around campus - unless you hit the archives building, where everything from a life-sized “Jedi” speeder-bike to the Ark of the Covenant from “Raiders” go to die.
But what rocks about this place is how quiet it is. Nestled in the hills of Marin County, Lucas used his “Empire Strikes Back” bankroll to purchase 5000 acres that would make up the ranch, home to the best sound-mixing facilities on the planet. But if you didn’t know what went on inside most of the architecture that dots the landscape, you’d never imagine it was in any way tech-oriented: the buildings resemble large bed-and-breakfast Colonials, vineyard houses, and barns.
I picture myself roaming hills and fields in all manner of livestock, looking for turkeys to steer. Every once in awhile a ranch-hand vehicle would roll through, but other than that life as I imagine would be still, ever present, and beautiful. So peaceful you can hear bees buzzing from ten feet away. The kind of place you don’t want to pass wind in, for fear that everyone will know it was you; not even the one-cheek-sneak would be safe. Things like that now are hard to find. The kind of pastoral beauty so quiet yet so moving, the avowed Atheist would remark “This is God’s country.”
Yeah, may I offer to say that I too am oblivious as to where this is going.
Excuse me if I’m not too current on world news. Maybe you can answer a couple questions for me? So what is up with the Pope? So what, is Sasquatch doing the Atkins diet? It’s amazing how much you miss just by spending a few nights in the seclusion of darkness. What’s that yo

I use my computer on a daily basis and enjoy what privileges that come along with my minuscule secular life. At times when I’m reminded of simplicities, I think of this one particular person from my art school days, someone who would say if we’re all so advanced and smart and innovative, how about a day without relying on technology? How about a week? Bathe in a river. Plant some trees and be happy discussing life and its mysteries with your friends.
And if your answer is “But that’s unrealistic! I need to go crunch numbers and write reports in hopes of receiving at least twice the minimum wage at my office job otherwise those who judge me won’t be impressed by my fancy shoes and knowledge." then you are the problem.
There are different attitudes out there. For one, stop using your television and computer to check up on how poorly the world is doing and go make some change. And don’t expect anybody to thank you or offer gratitude because true giving is selfless. Perceptibly I am a problem as well. Point fingers at all my hypocrisies all you want, that won’t change the fact that you’re still sitting here clicking ‘refresh’ while you could be off to planting vegetables.
In the next few hours, I’ll be attending a congregation in honour of the old buddy of mine that I speak of. We will celebrate being swept into a sea of motion. In his case, en route for New York after spending more than his fair share of time in a one-road town filled with an odd variety of mindless shapes.
Life comes down to these small moments, and in these moments, all the big decisions are made. In this particular moment, I can see deflection into perspective in all the practical arguments trying to pull together a short notice, or opt out, already emotional and simply given in to this night.