solitary life
There are many problems posed by the social environment we live in, especially in my very own. There are many things I have seen and just as many things I have found disposable. There are also many things I find that cannot go on without a astonishing amount of deep consideration. I do not know how it is for many, but for myself a social environment is something that is virtually non-existent, mainly because I live a.... I suppose... a comfortable... solitary life. Alike the air I breath, inhale and exhale, everything comes and leaves. Forgetable as any recognition just as my own interal respiratory system venting that of myself. It is a notable search as fruitless as any bleak embrace within the night life leaving my head cracked open with shit in the skull the next morning.
It has been a month of becoming more influenced with a new idea, yet in a way also returning to a very old idea. A mind divided into facilities, divided again into dozens of more distinct capacities each critically noted but without any conclusions. In my mind, I often find myself alone in a woodland destination pairing space and content. There are cedars, challenging paths and breathtaking lookouts. I see this and think to myself, maybe if more trees were cut maybe that would make room for better parking.
I realize all this before I awake from a couple of hours sleep and the regulation takes over. But now, at this moment, the night has come yet once again and as I try to compose a post in my head - I realize I may just fall short one, maybe a few hundred words - then I originally imagined dictating to someone else with eyelids. It doesn't take more than a dozen blinks before I find what I've been trying to say before I fall asleep will not make itself out anyway. Soon it is another morning. Another you evaporated completely. And just like my flickr account, this file will be unable to reach contact with the database server. No image. No identity.
This January I'll have my next art show, put that on the event list will you. It will take place at the Babylon Nightclub on Saturday, January 12th, 2008. Inexpensive, informal, and accessible to patrons and newbies alike, all can enjoy a night of the arts and music to their hearts desire. It’s pretty cramped in here so I hope before the time comes that I'll be able to display at least two new paintings before the date as mentioned.
It has been a month of becoming more influenced with a new idea, yet in a way also returning to a very old idea. A mind divided into facilities, divided again into dozens of more distinct capacities each critically noted but without any conclusions. In my mind, I often find myself alone in a woodland destination pairing space and content. There are cedars, challenging paths and breathtaking lookouts. I see this and think to myself, maybe if more trees were cut maybe that would make room for better parking.
I realize all this before I awake from a couple of hours sleep and the regulation takes over. But now, at this moment, the night has come yet once again and as I try to compose a post in my head - I realize I may just fall short one, maybe a few hundred words - then I originally imagined dictating to someone else with eyelids. It doesn't take more than a dozen blinks before I find what I've been trying to say before I fall asleep will not make itself out anyway. Soon it is another morning. Another you evaporated completely. And just like my flickr account, this file will be unable to reach contact with the database server. No image. No identity.
This January I'll have my next art show, put that on the event list will you. It will take place at the Babylon Nightclub on Saturday, January 12th, 2008. Inexpensive, informal, and accessible to patrons and newbies alike, all can enjoy a night of the arts and music to their hearts desire. It’s pretty cramped in here so I hope before the time comes that I'll be able to display at least two new paintings before the date as mentioned.
You're normal.
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