jump the gun
Not a soul has yet to touch base, stop in or say hello in order discuss the artwork at all really. If I were to look forward to big things in 2008, that would be one. -- Earlier, I was talking with someone, and I was asked what holiday gifts I would be spending on this year? I said my income and I share a very delicate relationship so as a result I haven't bought a single gift at all, quite frankly. I'm actually in the middle of a attempt to save my earnings. When asked how I was prepared to, I grew quiet. I realize there are things I cannot ignore and see no other alternative. This is about building endurance and becoming more familiar with the luxary of leisure, as it were. I find I am now a willing participating in a insurance test. At times I say, look at those suckers, why take more risks by scheduling a inflated amount of commerce at this time of season? I thought why not do some less obvious things. But after all is said, the only answer left to this solution is to live vicariously through others. -- One of the two house dogs has become abnormal in appearance as of late. Over the years, this dog and I have shared a very dark element so you can say I have grown attached... only that I'm afraid now it has become more and more uncomfortable than I can perceive. Especially tonight. A few blood vessels had ruptured along its head, the unusual eye, the skin tissue along its ear bleed immensely. It bounced between all four corners of the room until my brother and I were able to restrain it in order to simply disinfect and wash it adequatly. We have been scrubbing the blood off the walls, floor, furniture and ourselves for what seems to be hours. I'm moved to chills. I kid you not. This Holiday... Most will think about the good things. Let us not jump the gun.
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