Monday, October 08, 2007

scorched earth

There is a place where time doesn't move the same way as it does here. Giving all the details about it is frustrating but I'll pick up somewhere. The other night I went out with my ol'friend, Mooky. I thought it best to go out for a movie and let him fill me in on his life. You see, him and I have been friends for as long as I can remember. I was in early grade school, attending a birthday celebration at his house for his younger brother at the time when we had first met.
I can remember it was hard to talk to people. I felt the opposite of something I wasn't in any hurry to get to. When I got really lost on my way to the bathroom, I found myself somewhere really gone far astray from the rest of the party. I had walked into a room with a mouth full of whatevers, observing a two-deminsional land that seemed to wobble. I being the neighbourhood action figure junkie and him being all things computer games you can say we became very familiar with one another. It was a match made in all forms of combat entertainment.
"What is this?" I asked. "Scorched Earth" he replied with a fierce concentration remaining on the game, the slightest miscalculation meaning oblivion. "...This ain't too bad, actually." I said. How I miss those things I used to have, the little things we all used to have. To be able to make small talk, to joke, to go through the mud or sand instead of the mines or traps.
Haven't all the pressures, I can say that the familiarity is what makes me more comfortable. Yet as I sit here with everything bored, suffering from a severe pain within my left arm as I type this with only my right hand, I can say that even thanksgiving day, no matter how quiet or bitterroot the cherry pepper with betel nut is, it is a lot less accommodating.
Sometimes days off like these are often filled more than we care to think, which I’m not a fan of as it tends to detract from the ability to relax. But for the most part they pass pretty quickly. You sort of fall into an unconscious state of mind given how busy things are otherwise.


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