Wednesday, September 05, 2007

buttons incite anger

This entry is character emphasis. I'll start by saying I look like total shit. In fact, I look like total shit most of the time. It is an aspect of myself that I embrace more than ward off. If you recall the off topic stuff prominent in most of last years entries, it's gone. It was just heading somewhere nasty after some had commented in disinterested satisfaction. Disinterested satisfaction as a result has become something more of a function I familiarize with in everyday life. Some people have to try it out to figure that out. How quaint a notion. Enough Neo-hippy philosophy for ya? Anyway.

From time to time I talk all night long with friends, family, co-workers, loved ones, and strangers. Sometimes not even at all. Evidently enough, on particular occasions, I push some buttons, incite anger, intrigue, frustrate, debate or engage in a heated argument. Again, I'll contradict myself, as I and everyone else contradicts each-other. You might fail to see another’s side of things, then come around and consider it later- enough so that in your next discourse with someone else on the topic, you might take it as your side instead. We are all seemingly infinite in that way. Over the course of our lifetimes we may inhabit many positions and never feel as if we’ve found ourselves.

So go ahead and judge everyone against your current ideals, and equally judge yourself against them too. Give pause and consideration to whether your beliefs serve you- if your find fault, be courageous enough to change them. Do not accept anything as a given, but always instead strive to apply what you know, and absorb what you don’t.


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