Friday, August 18, 2006

odds and ends

After emerging from years of seclusion in blog form and determined not to get trapped into criticizing the demise of my myself in the first 20 minutes of any discussion, I certainly find more comfort here where I take my time to explain why I am not an individual who's able to exult his education for I indeed have the very bare minimal. Nor am I accomplished at writing as typically revealed throughout the twists of sorts in my blog. I am merely a loner at odds with the world gradually closing. The blog I am is self-therapy for recognizing the underlying reality of situations I'm coming to terms. It does a fair amount concerning, but as I've also noticed, it also does really little to defuse the tension from burning me alive inside.

These past few weeks I had dropped my tools and cracked a cheap beer to celebrate the lesser degree of life of not selling off some freedom by the hour. As the deficit rose, I've been out of work for nearly a month and unable to do what I thought I would be. In dire need of a shower, shave, and a haircut, what with the summer settling in and out of the mess of me. The mental gymnastics encouraged my isolation into someplace you're not interested in finding and all too ready to immediately dismiss.

Prospects of further employment and established interviews are set for next week so I can actually say the dust may settle. I hope to say there is lots of content yet to come, but what I really mean is I think it's time for me to pull back the curtain and hope that people like you enjoy what I've done thus far. Some words are probably broken, or look weird, but I've tested myself for sometime now and it looks pretty good to me. Maybe I'm crazy, who knows. If you have problems, it'll help me if you were to drop a line and tell me. Until then, bookmark the site and pass the URL on to friends and neighbours, ex-lovers and therapists, your mom and the guy who sells you your drugs. Have a good weekend folks.


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