Wednesday, August 09, 2006

motion sickness

I'm neutralized in empty thought. Legless and on a chair. A million miles from nowhere. How could intense natural development be of use if you purposefully play yourself down? A reason for a friend with a mandatory assignment to inject on the situation and ask if there would be a difference if he were to invite me on a road trip measured miles across broken parts of land. Tinkering with the idea of it, I realized the gung-ho beats the cold turkey. And there was a ferry ride.

I borrowed a seat for five hours heading north of the capital. Doing it by the numbers. There was work to be done and it was time to make a change. Change. A word invented to provide high drama, moments of hilarity when you least expect it, and with in many aspects an altogether elusive and unattainable destination full of hills and sidewinders extremely effective in capturing your curiosity along with what you just ate. Hold me up. Phase me out.

Motion sickness.


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