Friday, June 02, 2006

reckless abandonment

Sometimes this perverse notion of your sustainability gets to you. Sometimes I wonder how I ended up here. Sometimes I feel like a stranger in my own life. Right now I'm dealing with the sort of anxiety and mental exhaustion that leads either to rash action or a rash forehead.

On matters beyond, what is most shocking about all of this is the narrow view of the world and the assertion that it should subject human rights and living standards to unknown vulgar forces of the global market. Imbedded in these middle and upper-class statements is that motive to take lead in the global race no matter how much human suffering it will entail.

"Former US vice president Al Gore issued a sharp wake-up call over global warming at the Cannes Film Festival, warning the earth was facing "a planetary emergency."

Last year's spate of natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina which devastated New Orleans in August were proof that global warming was beginning to wreak havoc due to global climate change, he said.

"Mother Nature has joined this debate with a very powerful and persuasive voice," Gore told a press conference after a screening of "An Inconvenient Truth," which documents his one-man crusade to raise awareness about the issue. -
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I had attended the Bytown theater this past week to view the documentary film and witnessed Former Prime Minister Paul Martin lending a supportive appearance. Despite his gallow term, his presence was the limelight of this presentation and without being overly presumptuous, we all found ourselves with the same need to be meaningfully addressed about our environment in the midst of devastation.

After the film, when you come to think of it, you wonder if they ever taught ethics in political science. The government is taking a gamble on everyones future as a means for providing more "social services" aimed at meeting the needs of those corporate citizens, giving them a free ride until we're beyond a shadow of doubt, already rendered by the governments uselessness. The destruction of other people, be it for purposes of conquest or defence, remains the foremost goal of all militaries yet why not climate change? Trying to convolute that reality by attempting to paint it in any other light than that cast by the reality of what is, perhaps, the reason why mankind refuses to wake up to the fact that no matter the feeble justifications for wholesale death, in the end it always results in having been a bad idea - even if only on a personal level. History, be it even our own, often renders itself just and, even at times, honourable. But the present, nor the future, adheres to such reckless abandon.

This weekend, do yourself a favor...



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