Monday, June 19, 2006

moving from program to process

In response to the various amount of hits I've been receiving while away this past week, I take it that most people are distraught that my continuum of care had been severed. While observing from a minimum safe distance, I find that my whole society of mental patients are in a frenzy. I think it's accurate to say that most of these people don't care enough. The enough is critical. People don't care enough about coffee, or gas mileage or ski bindings or Darfur. The challenge is to get people to care enough... because deep down, most people care. Just not high enough on their priority list of life problems.

In essense, this webpage and the words within it are free in that they don't cost anything. The approach is as always to provide a alternative view and a preference to emote. This is not free, though, because it keeps users like myself from what we really need, and to be quite frank, I do not know what the hell that is. So I've said to myself, If you're not sure what to say, say nothing. So kick back, have a look around, and stay awhile. I'll be back for breakfast


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