Sunday, May 21, 2006

motivational seminars

I'm a not particularly attrative man. I'm not particularly the most wowee good time kind of guy either. Find me in most case scenerios and I'd rather cover my face with both my hands in hopes of you or I disappearing regardless of being for better or worse. What I mean to say in this gabble of mine is yes, as you're certainly as, er, comely as you are you are not for a demisecond the person to insist on rushing into these words inside of a consciousness made of a profound wretchedness. Some idiot part of this brain insists on rushing the words out through any transferred means neccesary in order to either slide you into this similar state of despair or substitute your state of thinking from that of a woman wearing the skimpiest of tops, the tiniest of pants. Possessing a pair of enormous, magically anti-gravitational breasts; endowments that not so much depended as suspended before her like helium-filled spheres, swaying and moving as she moves from side to side along with that tight... Well, assuming you've got the hang of the basic premise here, I imagine you're still a long means away from that one event-packed long weekend much like myself.

I succumbed to watching one of those news television episodes that attempted to clarify on post 9/11 traumatic syndromes, high-tensions, anxieties and alike. Ultimately, I believe, the goal was to provide moments of hilarity where one is invited into asking themselves the questions about their very own common fundamental principles. Such as: try your best not to kill yourself or other people, and love is a good thing so try using it in a sentence today, and there's hope after all--and my personal favourite--hey! You're forgiven. All I have to say is if guilt and fear were currencies I would have started my own religion to capitalize on it by now.

With a lifetime of experience and largely thanks to the reality of the United States, I have understood something quite different. In the last post I described people as indoctrinated with ideas such as patriotism, and for only one reason: because it serves the interests of the wealthy upper class: the plutocrats, who are not concerned at all about their country, nor any country in particular, since they belong to NO country... they are not only above the law, they are above borders. The only God they serve and honor is wealth. Their greed and selfishness are their virtues while they cultivate indifference and passivity among their slaves, in particular their herd of 300 million American sheep sitting in front of their televisions so extremely effective at capturing their curiosity like tiny bathroom products and miniature toothpaste tubes.

In the 30s, Hitler connived with, and was assisted by, the upper class of the US and the UK who were only too happy to help Hitler in his great plan to conquer and enslave the USSR. The US was also in favour of France becoming a part of Germany. But as usual, the Americans greatly miscalculated and thanks to the glorious Red Army and the heroic Resistance ("terrorists" in White House jargon), Hitler failed miserably in his conquest, so that when the war was almost over, the Americans found it more expedient to land in Normandie and destroy part of France as well as a large part of Germany. They even "suicided" their pet, Adolf.

The ordinary American does not know any of this, nor is he allowed to know as otherwise a revolution would be a sure thing. Therefore, the government-controlled press and TV have for mission to brainwash the people from crib to grave. They do such a great job of it that even now, when a small part of the truth is seeping out, many if not most Americans don't believe any of it but prefer to stick to the fables and illusions they have been accustomed to believe during a lifetime of indoctrination.

In other words the severe mental conditions of Americans explains how so many Americans have supported and still support the crimes committed by America in Latin America, Africa, Asia and Europe. To be honest, one has to say that the plutocrats are spending large sums of money to carry out their brainwashing. They know that the foundation of the plutocracy rests on this mental manipulation of the masses... masses of fools who believe what they see and what they hear: yes, a winning combination!

Now, let's see. Since patriotism means the defence of one's country against foreign aggression, it necessarily follows that the Iraqi "terrorists" are not terrorists at all but heroic patriots who defend their motherland against the barbaric aggression of American semi-human gangster-terrorists who came all the way from the other side of the world to liberate the oil fields.

This was to be just the start since the Americans were planning to liberate the oil of Iran, Russia and other places. True, they already succeeded in liberating the oil of the ex-Soviet republics by paying, subverting and enslaving the local governments there, as well also as in carrying on miscellaneous acts of terrorism in that entire area. But I just heard that in Uzbekistan, they have now been unceremoniously kicked out of there. Well another defeat for Nazism. Anyway, they had no business being there in the first place.

But here is where some misunderstanding arises. For instance, the American whorish media keeps calling the heroic Iraqi patriots... "terrorists", while they refer to the American Nazi terrorists as "patriots".

Seems to be some confusion here but that should not be any surprise. During the Second World War, the German Nazi terrorists also called us Resistance guys: "terrorists", while they called "patriots" the traitors who were working for them. Doesn't this show the truth of the statement: "One learns from history that one doesn't learn from history". In any case, if peace should come back some day, some people are now proposing that, through a Nuremberg-type tribunal, all American "patriots" be condemned to death for complicity in crimes against Humanity, while the so-called Iraqi "terrorists" be celebrated as heroes who will live for ever in the heart of all men of good will.

This however, will probably not happen for the simple reason that the main force governing the world... including the USA, is the plutocracy... the terrorists! (which some may wish to call Illuminati).

But we must not stop at this point. Consider that in America today, there are between 20 and 40% of "patriots". This is the so-called "majority" in rigged elections, and this "majority" supports the president and the country, right or wrong. As you can see, this "patriotism" presents the gravest threat to Humanity's survival. Why? Because there is no need to be an Einstein to notice that the US government - as in fact most other governments - is controlled by the Military-Industrial Complex... the plutocrats! Therefore, the "patriots" are nothing more or less but the brainwashed tools of the plutocrats and it follows that their supposed "patriotism" is in fact Slavery to the plutocracy.

Had these "patriots" one little bit of a brain, they would see that their first duty is not at all to the plutocrats but to humanity and it follows that their human duty is to help the poor Iraqi victims fight this American plutocracy as well as help in the slaughter of all existing American troops.

Thus instead of the devilish slogan "Support our troops", they should follow the human slogan "Destroy our troops", since indeed when they support those gangsterish animals they become accomplices of their terrorist government while otherwise, they would be heroes.

It is easy to say all this but it is unlikely to happen if we reflect that for generation after generation, the Americans have been subjected to a plutocratic brainwashing transforming them into servile slaves of the plutocracy, with artificially implanted tendencies towards greed and selfishness, accompanied by indifference and passivity regarding government affairs. Moreover, just to make sure their interest does not deviate in the direction of social problems, they are discreetly encouraged to take refuge in SEX, DRUGS and CRIME. It is no coincidence nor accident that the United States has become the world centre for criminal and deviate behaviour: just check world statistics! See, America is FIRST in something!

At this point, one could ask the logical question: What is to be done? However this is a question I need not and must not answer. You know the answer and the rest is up to you.


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