journey to dementia

Some movies cannot abide without explosions. Recent example; Mission Impossible 3. Just no fun at all, man. They should have thought about adding a scene where secondary character Maggie Q is having sex and gets blown up in the middle of it. So you’ve got your nudity, sex, an explosion, and unnecessary violence all rolled into one three-minute scene. Shit, that could very well be the entire movie. Start to Finish. As far as I’m concerned, the basic groundwork for Monster’s Ball was the sex scene with Halle Berry. As expected, self-execution deserves Oscar recognition. And that gives the impression of being.
I happen to be keen on movies in case you didn’t know. It’s actually one of my most dominate leisure pursuits and out of the volume and complexity of films available today, it devastates me that this trend of basically… shit, remains and will, for the foreseeable future remain… shit. At root, the problem appears to be a plurality of views. Doctrine, tactics in marketing, all this naturally leads to the question- Is there a better way around all this? Sometimes I really do happen to think so and I firmly believe in an alternative position for myself in writing/directing so I could show the emerging need for content driven material set for a world that is without a sense closure (relation, what have you) between the gaps of life chances and experiences. Ideally, no matter what or how hysterical your dream may be, with precision and detail, who knows how far you can go in achieving your vision. Just whisper the question to yourself once in awhile, tell yourself the reasons, and tell yourself the reply. Positive developments are far more complacent when answered by you than anyone else’s argument or concurrence.
Have you been doing your garbage picking lately? All of this conjecture, plain and simple as in waves. The form straightens as it hitch-hikes through the air to finally bounce back a surface and ripple, therefore dissipate into a chaos of misinformation. Therein lays the beauty of fiction. Fiction allows one to say and believe whatever they want and there's nothing you can do about it, cabbage heads. Hell, the Christian Coalition does it to you guys every ten minutes.
I envision making a truck load of money in one night at the MGM Grand having thought of the idea of World Scientists v.s. The Christian Coalition. Now that would be fight to the death worth watching. Knowing my luck they'd just stand on either side of the ring yelling at each other. You never know. Some Chaos Math genius might try to bite an ear off to prove a point. That point being 'an ear for an ear', I would suspect.
The point of all this is that you never can tell what's out there in all that darkness. Some extremely unromantic figure in a dark alley way that represents all the badness of the world. 'For the love of god, don't go down there!' they say. So everyone does. It's just the way the game is played. Stupidity's been running a boot camp outside of town for quite sometime now. There's an army of mall-rats with their shit eating grins turned upside-down. Way, way upside-down. It should come as no surprise to you that you yourself might be a graduate of that rotten academy.
Maybe it is the perfect time to break the news. With the Da Vinci Code film hitting theatres on May 19, Christians are organizing violent protest marches, firebombing theatres, demanding that the UN introduce and enforce anti-blasphemy laws and have forced Ron Howard and Dan Brown into hiding. But seriously folks, Area churches are preparing to counter unorthodox claims about Jesus Christ in the movie "The Da Vinci Code," which opens in theaters later this month.
"The Da Vinci Code' kind of gave a focus that there's a lot [of misinformation] about Jesus Christ and Christianity out there, and perhaps it's time to rebut it," said Monsignor Francis J. Maniscalco, a spokesman for the District-based U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. "If people see [the movie], they should go prepared." -- read more
Over the next few weeks, keep an eye out for many of the same people who made excuses for the Muslim anti-Danish demonstrators to sneer about American Christians' "intolerance" and attempts at "censorship".
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