stray jacket me from the land of the lost

Every now and then I happen to pick my guitar. I often play a rhythm that is a working progress. It’s as basic as follows, first strike the 6th string from the top to create bass and play a downward stroke, back up again, following a strike to the 5th string, downward, up, until you achieve balance. Rinse and Repeat. The issues of today are entirely blown out of proportion on basic misconceptions, so I’ve wrote about some random jargon. It may not come out as a masterpiece but the idea was truly only made to torture you. So if you like folk music, you may get the beat. And please, if you have a guitar or any other type of instrument lying around, feel free to pick it up and sing along with me to celebrate this St. Patrick’s holiday weekend. -- It all started when your ancestors gave their power over to greedy people, thus began the process compounded on to itself for generation over generations. Today these greedy people created a fake money supply to capitalize on that power and now openly abuse their power, not only because they can but it is their pledge to an allegiance of lies and deceit. We have helped them make so much money. 5% of the population control 95% of the resources and you’re not the bloated one. Hey there Monkey, you are so funky, push my buttons and let’s see if the ticking time bombs go off on the children as we thank them for waving our flag. We’re waving back from the chemical sky that trails down tasty Pepsi dye. The appetizer to your poisoned food supply. Women so fine from China make me my clothing, dildos and Disney paraphenelia display. You have every access to the natural world but you respond with breast implants and liposuction because you love the picture. The picture that represents the realization of Warhol’s... “In the future, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes”... The big picture of wealth and celebrity ‘accidentally’ showing off everything to everyone on the planet who’s destroyed. And you think there's nothing constructive to do but to have sex, watch T.V., gossip, and party on a St. Patty’s Day. There’s an entire industry full of the distaff who do the exact same thing every day, and aside from the biggest names of them all, they aren’t nearly as well-known as this vapid dork. And really - what has been done that’s any different than from anyone so if you can get world-renowned for doing something anyone can do, the bar has been dropped substantially. Hell, the bar doesn’t even exist anymore. So based on that, I say let’s make any and all of these Naked ladies and dudes famous people. I mean, really? What’s the difference? At least these folks can probably use the cash that comes with fame. And from the looks of it, they’re desperate to do anything. Anything. So let’s give it up for the random chick with the grossly oversized labia; at least her shit’s a little different than the guy with the thick-ass-Coke-can. So tough it out and stand with your fellow man for two in one hole is better than one; they’re going where even angels fear to tread but we’re giving it up for a mannequin who plays peek-a-boo. Championing mediocrity has replaced the national pastime and I’m afraid the veracious intellectually challenged mystery that makes up my key demographic for the first time in years will find this disjunct voice of reason. To become the perfect fast food designed to kill you and you want it supersized. The movies and video games are designed to destroy minds and you buy more, more, more. As everything around you is designed to keep you in slavery, so poor, poor, poor. Popes, cardinals and priests are fucking with your spirituality and you give them money before on Sunday all-you-can-eat buffet. Yes my dear, as you’re reading this you may find a worldwide holocaust. A loving being who thinks being dark is cool if you're still thinking at all. You are not alone, we have all lived the same plot but with a different dream. I know what it feels like to be you. You to be me. And we know what it feels like to be us. So lets join the hands, put down the pop, burgers, porn, and remote controls. Come and be with us and we can show you how to be yourself. Regenerate not degenerate. Love the world more than you have been taught or shown by example by those around you. Be loving toward those who attempt to hurt you....for only then will you love yourself too. Go into the night and celebrate that love you bring forth for all of mankind. Peace and love and all that crap. Some random chick with the grossly oversized labia. Stray jacket me from the land of the lost.
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