confessions of a dangerous mind

"Al Qaeda conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui helped himself get one huge step closer toward getting the death penalty Monday when he testified that not only did he know about the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks ahead of time but that he and shoe-bomber Richard Reid were supposed to hijack a fifth airplane and fly it into the White House." - Fox NewsNow, on to the larger question - just how long before these people thicken the plot and uncover evidence that Moussaoui is in reality, George W. Bush's secret half-brother.

How many times do I need a post relating pains? While bored of the week already in progress, I went back to reading correspondence entries involving a former website of mine dated 2001. The website was host to a whole slew of incoherent high school angst and fervour (mostly profanities). Some of the behaviours vaguely shared between those I've known have happened to linger in my mind on occasion. Looking it over again I began applying a myriad amount of compressions to my sore head. Nothing more than a huge amount of undesired anxiety about my future forecast. After years of refusing to live under that threat, today I find is no more welcoming. At any time a infinite amount of complacency from me happens to conspire. Considering the anxiety, the depression, military atrocities, secrecy, anomalies, isolated life... Most of this may not compute... Please excuse my haphazard thoughts. The thing is worst case scenarios consistently trump everything for reasons being: complete mental preparation.
Suppose I’ve been carrying heavy thoughts with me on what has to be a lackadaisical slope. I’ve been consumed with thoughts over other matters, not even considering that things are different and have changed since then. I was a completely different person from what I know today. Hell, I suppose, revealing this information to myself even has some shock value.
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