shake me i'm waiting
I’m still sick. Yesterday night I had a groggy kind of nauseous exhaustion. It was the sort of night that compels one to
remain indoors, to take a load off and watch a movie. So there I was, watching Spider-man in sake of remembering what exciting flashes I’ve had in my menial life of public expose. It was my prize moment on January of 2004 where I was voted hall of fame artist on Sony’s Official website for the Spider-man films. The buggers still have my profile up for your viewing pleasure. So click here.
Upon my recollection, I opened my eyes and realised I had lost my audience of delighted fans. To my amazement things literally went up and down for a good few seconds. My mind malfunctioned like the TV set – the colours went off, the images distorted, and the vertical or horizontal slipped. After the good shake, things suddenly came in loud and clear. Dead-silent and blank.
There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, although Ottawa police said they had received a number of calls from residents wondering what had happened.

Upon my recollection, I opened my eyes and realised I had lost my audience of delighted fans. To my amazement things literally went up and down for a good few seconds. My mind malfunctioned like the TV set – the colours went off, the images distorted, and the vertical or horizontal slipped. After the good shake, things suddenly came in loud and clear. Dead-silent and blank.
“Eastern Ontario and western Quebec were rattled by a gentle earthquake on Friday night, the Geological Survey of Canada says. The tremor, with a magnitude of 4.5, was too gentle to cause damage, government seismologist Sylvia Hayek said.” - CBCWe had a mild earthquake here about 8:45 PM, enough to shake the house and have an audible rumble. I think it lasted about 5 seconds. I immediately searched the web for information and it turned out the Americans had the data before we even did. The Canadian seismology site was down (probably overwhelmed with hits) and when it did work, there was no firm data on the quake. Pretty useless to have a web page re: earthquakes that doesn't work when we have an earthquake.
There were no immediate reports of damage or injuries, although Ottawa police said they had received a number of calls from residents wondering what had happened.
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