global civic-related communications

It seems like all the serious questions have been asked, so I’m going to take this opportunity to be a little light-hearted… It makes me wonder how long it will be before commercial interests will make the internet as irrelevant as TV has become to me.
Already the nation's largest telephone and cable companies are crafting an alarming set of strategies that would transform the free, open and non-discriminatory Internet of today to a privately run and branded service that would charge a fee for virtually everything we do online.
Under the plans they are considering, all of us--from content providers to individual users--would pay more to surf online, stream videos or even send e-mail. Industry planners are mulling new subscription plans that would further limit the online experience, establishing "platinum," "gold" and "silver" levels of Internet access that would set limits to a person’s number of downloads. For your set example, to your appealing yet astronomical amount of amateur pornographic media streams or even online-dating e-mail messages that you could send or receive.
While it comes as little shock that the telephone and cable companies want to make more money, it gets even most surprising to me… considering how important free access is to the internet, why haven’t I heard that both the Congress and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) are considering proposals that will have far-reaching impact on the Internet's future.

To me, the major appeal of the web is the free access to information that I would otherwise never have access to, in particular, freedom of expression in/and access to weblogs (blogs for short). Material written by people much like myself with diverse views and opinions.
It seems everyone is wanting to be pro-active. I also live in that category and let me tell you... We’re living in surreal, bizarre, and dangerous times so you might as well sit back and watch the show. Reasonable people try to deal with stuff reasonably, but are there reasonable people? All I have observed in the past few years are narrow minded people sucking at the media tit for what to be upset with next. How about understanding? How about the justification for understanding?
While I do access much of my news on the web, with a few notable exceptions there’s little that I couldn’t already get from my local newspaper. However, I agree whole heartedly if we permit the Internet to become a medium designed primarily to serve the interests of marketing and personal consumption, rather than global civic-related communications, we will face the political consequences for decades to come. Unless we push back, the "brandwashing" we will permeate not only our information infrastructure but global society and culture as well.
For this administration “public good” seems to be synonymous with making money. They seem unable to see the fallacy in arguments like “What’s good for GM is good for America.” One almost wonders if this administration isn’t consciously trying to implement the philosophy made so famous in ‘Brave New World.’

Another pointless blog entry from a useless waste of space person. You hide behind a large vocabulary and yet you come off as an idiot. Here's a writing tip for you. If you want to come off as an arrogant, egotistical intelligentsia, use words like vitriolic. If you want to sound like a smart, thoughtful person, use words like harsh. When you write it sounds like you're just trying to impress us with how you say something, not what you say. You're just writing so that everyone can see how much of an intellect you are. The topic of your entry might have been interesting, but I didn't read it, because I could tell right from the title it was just going to be masturbation. Kill yourself.
It's incredibly disappointing that you hadn't taken my last comment into consideration before you posted another meaningless entry.
Do you honestly believe people come to this blog and care about the random thought you so ingeniously came up with during your lunch break at your big important government job?
"Wow, I'll take a photo of myself sitting in a chair!" You sir, are a master of the arts. This is simply breathtaking. Pictures really do say a thousand words, however in this case it's only saying one: "Bullshit".
Please! Keep posting these riveting photographs of these things you call "streets" and "buildings". They are absolutely stunning!
Just kidding. End your life.
I wrestled with whether or not I was going to post this since as I usually tend to be a little light on returning commentary, always throwing out a quip or a snarky little comment, but it seems to me like some of the comments here are from people with gun racks in the back of their pickups of moonshine and cousins.
The first few things, this is a blog focused on delivering content worth while. Not entirely a web journal nor a dispatch of political or cultural dismay but rather a cohesive whole brought to a point of view. Rather bored with being lighter on content driven by personal propaganda or pornification (that being what you’re used to) in my opinion it’s over-done. The content of this blog is rather serious, and it should be the focus. Though that shouldn’t stop anyone from heading straight to and losing their mind.
As I’ve said before, repeatedly and exhaustively, there are a multitude of factors that have to be considered when examining this website, not the least of which is the paranoia created because of the fear of external support for those that oppose this, be it a disgruntled teen or a neo-con right-winger. While the focus remains, does anyone actually come to this blog? That has already been answered. Its unfortunate that there is little mention given about the work your exactly against therefore leaving you without your ultimate fancy of having me fitted into corners. Such initiatives as shown by you will entirely be futile in design. I understand that you don’t like me, and have made that very clear. But I’d also ask that you consider both sides to this and the ramifications of your external interferences.
Given what I know of your level of education on the matter, I’m more inclined to seriously listen to this position than to someone that doesn’t provide one whatsoever except to point out that they’re regularly willingly to contradict themselves over and over and over again.
Otherwise, enjoy yourself and thanks for the constructive criticism.
now i have a question for the two people who posted earlier. If you don't like this blog, why do you bother coming here?
The internet is a free forum for all. You can, however, control what you want to see and what you don't want to see. If you don't like this blog, read another one. The internet is a big place, just move on to the next one.
"The first few things, this is a blog focused on delivering content worth while."
If your intent is to deliver worthwile content, you should try to deliver it in a language that people can read without going into a coma.
"The content of this blog is rather serious, and it should be the focus."
If the content is the focus, then you should stop trying to impress people with your writing. A friend of mine linked your blog to me as a joke. People find your language silly. And I can assure you, it's not because we don't understand the words that you use. You sound like a highschool student who just discovered the thesaurus on Look at the number of comments you tend to receive. Notice a trend? Nobody reads your entries simply because of your poor, inaccessable writing style. It's not your message that I have a problem with, it's how you present yourself. You can't say anything without sounding like a pompous douche. Even if you bring up a valid or interesting point, it's burried under so much bullshit that it's just not worth it. An english professor once explained to me that when a reader is shown a piece of writing that contains many large, uncommon words and another piece which contains smaller, more everyday words, the reader will say that the author of the second piece is the more intellegent person.
I know you won't listen to a word I say because you have an ego the size of a zeppelin. I'm obviously less educated than you because of my silly nonsense common speak.
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