Tuesday, February 21, 2006

the deterioration of many things

Something tells me I should hugely prepare for the negative sense of things. I'm struggling with my scheduled arrangements to make time for medical reassurance this week. It doesn't sound so bad at first, but in comparison, my daily preference of sustainable living is challenged when I continue to feel these internal aches and pains take their toll on me.

I can't remember the last time I took to drawing with pen or pencil. It was once a very common tool of mine well used for my 'self-insight' -- i.e. ability to recognise what's happening to me. Somewhere later on, because of the deterioration of many things well shared in anyones life (including time) I came to this new form of expression; still in respect to visual art - being photography. You'll find that I've chosen flickr to operate as my new gallery. My latest and achieved pieces will be displayed as the days progress. Eyes are welcome.

I better go to bed.


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