Friday, October 07, 2005

censorship at its best

I was sent an email today by a reader that’s in the travel industry which included a link to this story. An excerpt…

"Southwest Airlines rejected a Washington woman off a flight in Reno after passengers complained about a message on her T-shirt. The T-shirt had pictures of President Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and a phrase similar to the popular film, Meet the Fockers. The women said the T-shirt was a gag for her Democrats parents to see when they picked her in Portland, Oregon. Southwest Airlines spokesperson said the passenger complaints did not follow the rules on passenger conduct filed with the FAA. This includes conduct which is offensive, abusive, disorderly or violent or for clothing that is "lewd, obscene, or patently offensive." A lawyer for the American Civil Liberties Union in Nevada said Heasley’s T-shirt is "protected" political speech under the Constitution, reported the Reno Gazette-Journal. Additionally, an FAA spokesman said no federal rules exist on the subject."

Change that ‘O’ into a ‘U’. Censorship at its best. Some would say so much for her 1rst Amendment rights. They might as well burn the Constitution, except for the much protected 2nd Amendment. You can own a semi-automatic rifle or handgun but you can’t where a T-shirt on a commercial airliner, my god, that country has gone to hell in a hand basket.

The absolute horror of it is that it’s unpremeditated — yech! Ok, how about spontaneous — there’s no over-riding rule to suppress. Just "average folk" from creating disaster. Southwest Airlines has a "refusal to transport" clause that allowed them to do what they did. Look it up. Do some homework. If you buy a ticket on an airline you agree to all their conditions as a result. Most common of these conditions are obvious for safety reasons. Also speaking of offensive and obscene.


Not fascism, not 1984, not horror. I see it as she may have very well been asked to put something on over the shirt or given that chance to turn it inside out. We won’t know because now that a lawsuit has been announced Southwest will not comment as most wouldn’t. Now most of you won’t like that but that’s the way it is.

Just like this blog. There are conditions you’ll have agreed to in order to post comment (if you ever decide upon making such a fierce leap). If you violate those conditions you will be prevented from posting. Most of the time it’s bot related, but I’ve taken care of them. No worries. Just silence from here to Calcutta. Am I hindering freedom of speech? No. Am I a fascist? Not at all. Am I 1984ish? Close, but no cigar. 1985ish.

We all have the right to put that condition upon ourselves to remain orderly and everybody who reads and comments knows they don’t have to put up with offensive or obscene or racist content. What if she had been wearing a t-shirt that expressed racist, sexist, or homophobic views? Of course! Get her off that plane! But technically, sporting a shirt with the slogan "Adopt a Nigger" or "I used to be a sexist but the bitches didn’t like it" is also exercising your right to free speech. Just because you’re free to say it doesn’t mean it has to be tolerated.
Personally I think there are better ways to voice your political criticisms than by wearing tasteless t-shirts... that, or just anything at all tasteless in regard.

The Big Survey.

You know how on every blog you may visit, everyone somehow has the audacity to conduct these online surveys to find out whether their some kind of insipid genius. It’s terribly riducoulous. Here are the results of a recent poll taken here in Ottawa.

Dane is a:
Genius 1%
Retard 99%

Dane should get a job at:
The United Nations 7%
Burger King 93%

Dane should have been a:
Dictator 97%
Exotic Male Dancer 3%

Dane should write more:
Happy journals 2%
Talk about monkeys 98%

Dane should learn to:
Throw his voice and use puppets instead 100%
Love his fellow human beings and end world hunger 0%

If Dane were an animal he would be:
A Monkey 1%
Extinct 99%

Note: Some of these results were tampered with. Specifically numbers 4 and 5. Until next time, I wish everyone a happy thanksgiving weekend.


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