i cannot imagine a better childhood

I'm at a nearby internet cafe listening into a conversation between monkeys. Hmm...ryan_d says: This "contest" has taken over the airwaves here at 106.9 The Bear in Ottawa, and with all do respect to the station, this has turned into a prize night gala, including a free concert. I was really excited to hear that Matt was coming back to Ottawa and coudn’t wait to get in line to buy tickets for my favorite artist for the 15th time. Alas, this is strictly a win to get in promotion. Being a loyal fan for years, and having seen you in Ottawa, Vancouver, Banff, Calgary, and Kingston, I can only hope that my magic dialing finger stays in Good shape, in order to win my way in, or perhaps you might consider a second show? Just a quick question Matt….. Do you think my wife would be upset if I posted a note on the fridge that said "Gone to Sugar, be back in a week"??
That is, the internet blind leading the internet eyeless.jambon says: It’s a shame though that the contest had to be paired with something that relates NOTHING to Matt Good. I mean unlike some of the other welfare bums that can sit by the phone all day and call a radio station I have a life and a job and can’t be waiting like 8 or more hours with a phone in hand to TRY to win tickets to a show I wanna see, especially when I am competing with well over a couple thousand others that more than likely don’t give a **** about seeing Matt Good in concert. It sucks… what ever happened to the days of just buying a ticket via ticketmaster and going to the show? I mean, if you want only serious fans to go to the show the solution is to raise the price. If a show is only $20 your gonna get people going just casue it’s a show. If tickets are like $60 people are only gonna spend that kinda money casue they LIKE the band. Personally I would prefer to pay more than to have to win tickets, casue at least raising money doesn’t involve total luck. It’s easier for me to make the money at work than to sit by the phone all day you know?
This is all about the contest featured on 106.9 The Bear for concert tickets to Matt Good, of course. It's about a date with destiny that ran flat on tire and you're without a spare. Not allowing this state of affairs to conjure me into any ill faith towards anyone, here I find myself reminicing about the good times, like the first time I met my grand-mother. It was a long time ago. I'm not sure what her along with the rest of my family expected but my mother got me and you know she didn’t predict this, but for a mild mannered native american from the reserve, she didn’t freak out as much as you'd think.I’d like to think I wasn’t much of a wild kid. Nor, growing while up I guess that became the case. The doctors called me hyper, but my grandmother called me a kid. My mother along with my family was very patient with me and quite smart... most of the time.So when the doctors called me hyper she said, but my boy can sit still and do a whole jigsaw puzzle, and the doctors said, oh, really? Because of that, they were unable to prescribe the ritalin or whatever they were going drug me with and we went on our way.daneatkinson says: Dear Mr.Good, My name is Dane Joseph Atkinson of Ottawa Ontario. I’m not as complicated a man as I’d like to think, but I’m a very unlucky one in winning contests. I’ve been a fan of yours since the fall of 1999 when I first listened to your Beautiful Midnight album next to my grand-mothers death bed. I have just bought your latest release and it is candy that makes me dandy. before i thank you, i remember visiting you as of october 2004 at carelton university. birthday bumps and good times. i loved it, so did you from what i can remember. if you could help me with my personal malady. heed me. thank you.

Mother raised not only me, alone (since father was away), but my brother as well, who is also crazy. Needless to say my mother was never bored. she worked long long hours at headquarters. Sometimes I think it was because she didn’t want to go out to the madhouse that we so-call the real world. But when she did come out it was always with love in her heart and McDonalds in the car and loving questions about school or homework or things like that.I could never have asked for a better mom. That being said, I had not one mother alone but was raised along by my blood-mother, my aunt, and grandmother.My Aunt was a computer programme for the government. During holidays we would go down there and we'd always end up at the library and I am sure that my love of books and writing is directly influenced by my razor sharp aunt who read two newspapers before 9am and was working along with one of my uncles hypothetical conspiracy theories or novels before breakfast was done. I will never forget what they did for my brother and I. I will never forget how difficult it must have been to be a working to support us. I cannot imagine a better childhood.

I cannot think of anything I could have wanted more than the ability to be myself, and free, and trusted, and loved. My mother did all those things for me and she continues to. The only thing that she asked in return was that I be the best reflection of her and the family I can be... only if it weren’t for the swear words, or nasty pictures that I paint for your mind in this blog. I now have a brand new job working in the governments department of justice as an administrative assistant. It includes my very own office made of concrete and glass, served cold just the way I like it. I now gaze upon the cubical masses and I take care of business. I’m doing my best at 20, although I know I fail pretty much every day. Thank you.
Gotta go. I've gotta find me some tickets.
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